Chapter Three

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The company set off for their quest to reclaim Erebor early the next morning. Bilbo had been left to sleep soundly in his home without signing the contract. It was a good thing in your opinion, the hobbit didn't belong in the wilderness fighting to survive. It was on your request that the dwarves help to tidy up the mess they had made in Bilbo's home. With some complaints, they did as you asked and helped you clean up.

You rode your pony, Peaches, a palomino pony mare with a rather sweet disposition. You began the trek at the back of the company, not wanting to get too close to anyone. It was against your want that Bofur stopped his pony so that you could ride along side each other.

"A lady shouldn't be left back here to her lonesome." He smiled warmly making his intricate mustache bounce.

"What if I preferred it?" you countered his statement.

"Ah come now, no one prefers it, lass." His happy exterior dropped at your words.

Just as you went to respond, a shouting caught everyone's attention.

"-Wait! Wait for me!" It was the tiny hobbit running towards the company flailing the contract in his hand. He ran up to Balin's pony, "I signed it."

Balin inspected the document and the signature required with a magnifying glass, "everything appears to be in order. Welcome, master burglar to the company of Thorin Oakenshield."

You had to admit that it was a surprise to see the little hobbit had decided to join. Maybe Gandalf was right, Bilbo would surprise them all before the end. He still had a lot to learn. Step one, riding a pony. His inability to ride a pony had earned him a place at the back with you.

You chuckled softly, making Bilbo look over at you, "What?"

You shrugged, "I'm just surprised is all. You have so much to learn about the world outside of your warm hearth. You need to relax, Bilbo, don't hold the reins so high." You showed Bilbo how you were riding and he copied you, and the pony quit throwing its head as a result.

You continued to teach Bilbo how to ride his pony over the next few hours. Even laughing together and having a decent fun time. You looked up feeling a pair of eyes on you. Just as you found who they'd belonged to, Thorin turned back around in his seat. You felt some anger but you couldn't tell if it was your own or his. What is there to be mad about? You'd done nothing wrong. You rolled your eyes and went about riding quietly.


The company rode upon a farmers house—well what used to be one. The roof had collapsed in on the structure which wasn't a good sign. And not to mention there was a foul smell on the air.

You dismounted and held your nose.

Bofur turned to look at you with a confused expression on his face, "do we smell that bad,my lady?"

You let out a laugh, "no it's not you all. Can no one else smell that? It smells like...death and rotten food." You explained as you walked to the house with Gandalf and Thorin, to tell them you had a bad feeling.

"I think it would be wiser to move along," Gandalf stated as he observed the abandoned house, "A farmer and his family once lived here."

"Where have they gone?" Thorin asked looking it over to.

"Whatever it is I don't want to find out." You gently said, "Gandalf, it stinks of death and rot. If my suspicions are right, we need to get far away from this place."

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