Chapter Nineteen

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The first hours of being in Bard's home were spent mostly getting warm and getting some well needed rest. Over the time in Mirkwood, no one had gotten any sleep until now. Bard children, Tilda and Sigrid were so kind as to make some food to accommodate for the company.

Thorin spent his time over by the window, conversing with Balin and Dwalin on the next best course of action. They wanted weapons, then they would make for the Lonely Mountain.

You, on the other hand, were enjoying the warmth of the fire too much to even think about where to go next. A sudden rush through your body had you sitting up right. It hand coke from you so you looked over at Thorin who was staring, mouth agape, out the window.

"A dwarvish windlance." He said breathlessly.

Bilbo standing beside him cupped his steaming cup of tea a little closer, "you look like you've seen a ghost."

Balin sighed, "he has. The last time we saw such a weapon, a city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, the Lord of the city, rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast. But dragon's hide is tough. Tougher than the strongest armor. Only a black arrow, fired from a windlance could pierce its hide. And few of those arrows were ever made."

Thorin turned back to Bilbo, "Had the aim of men been true that day, much would have been different."

This time Bard spoke up, hearing this story, "You speak as if you were there."

Thorin quickly came up with something as to not give away their true identities, "all dwarves know the tale."

Bain stood up, adding to the story, "then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosened a scale under the left wing. One more shot and he would've killed the beast."

Dwalin chuckled at that, " that's a fairy story, lad. Nothing more."

After a moment of silence Thorin looked to Bard accusingly, "you took out money. Where are the weapons?"

Bard sighed and stood, "wait here." With that he turned and left the home.

You looked back to Thorin to see him already looking at you. He supposed that there was nothing more to do than wait even though he hated every second that wasn't spent reaching the mountain, he hated them far less when they were spent with you. He walked over to you and sat down. Without hesitation you climbed in his lap and he enveloped you in his arms and blanket, pressing his forehead to your own.

Tilda noticed the interaction from her place by the fire too, "you are married?"

You laughed a little, "not yet. But I think we have something stronger than that. We're soulmates."

Tilda beamed, "those are real?"

You smiled back, " Skin changers have a soulmate intended for them, and dwarves have a 'one'. By some luck we found each other."

Of course Tilda asked more innocent questions; just getting to know the people who agree her home better, "I've heard that skin changers can sing with beautiful voices. Can you sing me something?" She ran around the living room and picked up her little lute.

You blinked in surprise. It had been ages since you sang or did anything remotely music related, "uh....well?" You looked at Thorin. Was there even time for this?

Thorin had a playful grin on his face as he shrugged. It would be a way to pass the time.

"Alright I suppose," you sat up a little more and gently took the lute from Tilda. Now it wasn't just Tilda watching you, everyone's eyes were on you and you hated it. The only thing that grounded you was Thorin's reassuring hand on your hip.

"I don't even know what to play." You did a little tune on the lute while you thought, "oh! There was this one that I can remember from my clan. It was a song about a brave warrior who goes on daring and dangerous adventures, but no matter what, he always comes home." You cleared your throat before playing a tune and letting the words come out,

"Just wait
Though wide he may roam
A hero comes home.
He goes where no one has gone
But always
A hero comes home." Looking up at Thorin and seeing his eyes full of love made you smile against your will.

You continued, "He knows of places unknown
A hero comes home.
He goes where no one has gone
But always
A hero comes home."

You finished the tune and handed Tilda back her lute, "that was lovely. Ma used to sing to us all the time."

This saddened your heart deeply, "she sounds like a wonderful mother."

"She was." Sigrid agreed flatly as she reached down from her rocking chair and tucked some hair behind Tilda's ear. It was clear that Sigrid has been forced to grow up very quickly. But she did it for her father who likely couldn't have done it on his own. She had a strong heart.

You jumped when the door bust open. Thorin wrapped an arm around you as he turned and saw Bard walking in. Thorin stood and you walked with him to see the stash of weapons Bard was laying on the table.

Thorin picked up a pointy metal stick, "what is this?"

"Pike hook. Made from an old harpoon."

"And this?" Said Fili piling up something and looking jt over.

"A crowbill. Fashioned from a smithy's hammer. It's heavy in hand, I'll grant, but in defense of your life, these will serve you better than none."

"We paid you for weapons," Gloin spoke getting angry, "iron forged swords and axes!"

Bofur shook his head in disappointment, "it's a joke!"

Bard groaned at the stubbornness of the company, "well you won't find better weapons outside the city armory. All iron forged weapons are held under lock and key."

You shook your head. This was more than enough and Bard had risked his lively hood for the company, "Thorin," you captured his attention, why not take what's been offered and go? We've all made do with less."

Thorin weighed your words in his head when Kili spoke.

"I say we leave now. Durin's day falls morn after next."

Bard rubbed the back of his neck, "you're not going anywhere."

This had Thorin's blood boiling, "what did you say?"

Bard explained, "there are spies watching this house and probably every dock and wharf in town. You must wait till nightfall."

You gave Bard a nod and looked back at Thorin who was deep in thought. You needed to figure something out. Come nightfall, you already knew that Thorin was weighing the risk of stealing from their armory. But if that can be avoided then; you had to take that option. If was just getting Thorin to agree to your plan.



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