Chapter Twenty-Nine

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A/N: I had to include this song because it's just *chefs kiss*. Beautiful, powerful, and ominous much like I feel that our reader is in dragon form.


"Dáin and his army should be just over this ridge," you announced to Thorin. And sure enough, once you cleared the ridge, there was an army of dwarves on the other side.

Now, these dwarves had some inclination that something was coming. During their march, strong winds that could almost knock them over, came out of the blue. They knew that had been a sign of a dragon but elected to ignore it seeing as rumor of Smaug's death had spread.

But that did not stop them from screaming in terror at the sight of you. Thorin made you circle around while he called down, "Dáin! It is Thorin, your king!"

"Thorin?! What in the seven hells are you doing up there?!" Dáin replied back. He had a very strong accent that made him a little difficult to understand.

You landed yards away from Dáin who still stared in awe. You lowered your head to the ground so that Thorin could get down and greet his cousin.

Thorin panted and smiled as he hugged his family, "it's been too long, cousin."

Dáin nodded making his red beard bob up and down, "Aye. It has. So are you going to explain what the devil you're doing with that vile creature?"

His words made you snarl, scaring a line of dwarves in the front row.

"That 'vile creature' is y/n. My one." Thorin explained.

Dain blinked and between you and Thorin a couple times, "You've got a rather funny taste in women. But alright I guess. My neighbor in the Ironhills fell in love with a goat once."

Thorin laughed and shook his head holding up his hand, "Y/n isn't a dragon all the time. She's an alpha skin changer. All she has to do is look at an animal and she can turn into it. One look at Smaug and she became a dragon. A good thing too. She's the one who killed him."

"Did she now?" Dáin looked at you with new found admiration, "sorry for what I said. Perhaps we can properly meet over a dinner when this is all over? Eh, speaking of, what is this? How are things at Erebor?"

"That is why we are here," you answered, "our home will be fought over come morning light. An army of orcs is coming. We have aid from Lake Town and Mirkwood but-" you were cut off by Dáin.

"Mirkwood?! You mean to tell me that those pretty woodland sprites are helping us?!" Dáin raged.

Thorin tried to calm him, "with put them we will surely be dead tomorrow."

That seemed to satisfy Dáin for now so you continued, "we've come to escort you to the mountain and let you know who's side I'm on. I don't need my own people trying to kill me."

Dáin looked thoughtful, "consider us up to speed then. They'll be there come dawn you say? We better get going then." Dáin turned to the army, "you heard the king! We must reach the mountain before dawn! Onward!"

The army of dwarves raised their weapons and chanted. Quickly they began moving at a jog across the land. You lowered your head again for Thorin who climbed on.

You released a rallying roar before taking to the skies.


Upon returning to Erebor, Thranduil's army was positioned in front of the Lake Men. They had their weapons at the ready, prepared for a fight. There was still a few hours left until they came bursting out of the ground. In that time, Thorin rushed inside of the mountain to put his armor on. You had flown up and latched yourself onto the mountain. Azog and his army had no idea that a dragon awaited them, you hoped that fear filled their black hearts the moment they saw you and knew that only death awaited them.

Thorin had come back out of the mountain and stood beside Dáin and the dwarven army, positioning themselves in front of the elves.

An uncomfortable silence filled the air. Everyone waited on the edge of something they couldn't escape. You could hear them now, as clear as daylight, they were here. They had come for the mountain.

A sudden burst of earth from the hill south of Erebor, made a few soldiers jump. Large worms with pointy teeth emerged crushing giant rocks like they were nothing. They rumbled and made a gutteral moan that chilled the bone, before receding back into the newly formed hole. In their absence, out crawled little orcs that looked like ants from your position.

You hadn't realized that Azog had climbed to the top of an overlook until his orotund voice reverberated on the battle below. He must've called out some kind of order because a horn blew followed by a flag lifting the sides in some sort of symbol.

The orcs advanced and the first line of defense was the dwarves. They used their shields and stacked them on top of each other. Just as the orcs got close enough to attack, elves sprung up from behind them and jumped into battle. Now you decided was the time to fight.

You pushed off of the mountain and spread your wings, giving a terrifying roar. Your glide down had the wind picking up behind you, you tried to avoid flying over your allies, because the force of the wind in your wake, sent those below reeling back as they were knocked off balance.

Many of the orcs had been knocked back so you circled around but this time, you decent back would be even more deadly. You lit a fire in your chest and when the orcs were within range, you blast a line of them with dragon fire. When you circled back for a second time, you landed in front of one of the holes orcs were crawling out of.

They tried to hit you with arrows and failed miserably as they quite literally bounced off of your armored scales. Your chest heated up again and you blew fire down one of the holes, vaporizing any living creature down it for miles.

A hard whack to your side got your attention. A large troll was trying to swing a club at you. When he met your eyes, the beast had a look of fear come over him. You smiled a toothy dangerous grin before taking the whole troll in you mouth and tossing him far away.

The power that came with being virtually invincible was strange. Knowing that you couldn't be killed made you bold. Your attacks were patient, slow, and methodical. The area around you was burnt to a crisp from your fire. You eventually moved on and flew over Thorin, protecting him and his best warriors as they decided to end this by killing Azog. You supposed you could have very easily just blew some fire his way and been done with it, but it was very clear that this was personal to Thorin. He had to be the one to kill Azog and no one else. And all you could do is sit back and supervise. Hoping that your presence alone was enough to throw off Azog's focus and provide your mate with a victory.



A/N: this chapter may not have been very juicy but the next chapter will be. Stuff is gonna go down!

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