Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day, the whole of Lake Town saw the parting of the company. They cheered and wished you all good luck on your journey. There was something about their praise that felt disingenuous. They only wanted your success so that their pockets might be a little bit more full. But you did have to admit, that this was far better than sneaking about the town and fighting your way out.

You stayed in your human form until it seemed like transforming might be a good idea. There came the prospect of find the hidden door. And when it was found, the company would need to be there in a timely fashion.

You walked up a slope and panted, your breath coming out visibly in the cold air. You squinted at the remains before you, "is that..."

Balin stepped up beside you and talked his tongue, "aye. It was once the city of Dale. Now it is a ruin. The desolation of Smaug."

You shared a glance with Thorin.

Balin looked to the sky, " The sun will soon reach midday. We must find the hidden door into the mountain before it sets. This way." The old dwarf walked forward and other followed him, including you.

Once at the foot of the great mountain, there came the task of looking for the hidden door. This was very difficult because...well it was hidden.

You walked with Bilbo making small talk about what in earth this hidden passage would look like.

"If it's supposed to be up..." you looked around, "I don't suppose you see any stairs do you?"

Bilbo looked to the left, "y/n! You're brilliant, look! There it is!!" The hobbit smiled widely. Sure enough there was an easy enough to miss hidden stair way. It was disguised as large dwarven statues carved within the mountain itself.

The rest of the company came running to the hidden stair way.

Thorin couldn't contain his smile, "you have keen eyes, master Baggins."

Bofur made an unenthusiastic comment, "That's an awful lot of stairs."

"I think this is where I come in." You piped up, "I can get us up there in have the time."

"How?" Thorin wondered.

"I'm going to turn into a great eagle and fly us up there. I'll talk half of us then coke back for the rest. But...I'm going to need all of you to turn around. I'd like to keep my clothes in tact this time."

A few dwarves went red faced. With a look from Thorin, telling them to do as they were told everyone turned around.

You striped down in the cold with only Thorin watching you. Which wasn't unwelcome in the slightest. Once you were bare you folded your clothes up and handed them to Thorin, "I'll want this back on once I get all of us up."

He nodded and took your clothes. He watched you changed into a large white eagle.

You laid down and rest out a wing like a ramp.

Thorin turned to the others, "alright. Half now, then y/n will come back for the others and....y/n wishes that no one punch her feather. She won't let you forget it if you do."

Just as you had planned, you flew the company to the top in two trips. Now they had plenty of time to open the door.

You had turned back and put your clothes back on while everyone was occupied with the door. You stood beside Thorin as he held the map and instructions.

The dwarves became very impatient very quickly as the sun was beginning to set. It was very stressful you had to admit. It was Durin's Day, the suns light had to shine on the key hole's location.

As the sun began to fall more with no success of opening it. You looked over the map again.

"We're losing the light, come on!" Fili yelled.

"Break it down!" Thorin ordered. And every dwarf tried to bring that door down with their weapons they'd just acquired from Lake Town. A great magic lie over that door for the axes and awards broken in pieces when slammed against it.

You shook your head, "Thorin we're missing something."

"And what's that?!" His sudden anger made you jump and his eyes softened.

"Doesn't it say something about a thrush knocking? We haven't exactly seen that yet have we?" You out your hands on your hips.

The dwarves stopped at that and turned to Thorin for instruction. Thorin turned and looked at the horizon. The sun was just dipping down. The last light of day going with it.

"We've lost the light." Thorin stated flatly.

You shook your head, "I don't think so. Just let's back away from the door. No bird is going to land with us standing so close to the door."

Thorin sighed, "what else have we got left to lose?"

The company did as you said and stepped away from the door. Some like Balin, Kili, Ori, and Dori had tears in their eyes.

Bilbo agreed and took the map from Thorin, "I think y/n is quite right. We can't just give up."

After a moment of nothing happening Bilbo looked at the map and then to the sky above, which had become cloudy. He looked back to the map and gasped.

"What?" You asked.

"It's a riddle!" Bilbo shot up, "the last light! It isn't the sun, it's the moon! The last moon on autumn. And I bet-" Bilbos excitement was cut short by a soft knocking.

All eyes turned to see a little thrush banging a snail shell against the door. Yes! This had to be it. Eyes continued to watch as the cloud parted and the moons rays came through, magically they aligned on the door and revealed a tiny little key hole.

Thorin stepped to the door like his feet were full of lead. He slowly put the key in the hole and turned it. The last sixty years of dreaming of this moment and not having any words to describe it actually coming true. The door clicked and gave way.

With a good push, Thorin stood speechlessly when the door opened. They'd done it. Everything they'd been through, how far they'd come was finally worth it for this moment.

And the awed silence was filled with words they couldn't speak.



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