Chapter Sixteen

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A/N: sorry for the wait. Work has been a nightmare. slight divergence from the movie begins here. This story is also about what it would be like to have a skin changer along for the journey and I think it would make a huge difference in who they do or don't meet.

The woods were long and so very quiet. Not a chirp of a bird nor the rustle of wind. Just stillness that made stepping on a crunchy leaf sound irrationally loud. This eeriness was not sitting well with you as it felt considerably like walking on eggshells. One wrong sound that is just a little too loud and something terrible would happen.

The wizard was right about the forest: your company started behaving weirder and weirder the longer you stayed in Mirkwood. The first was playing on your mind just like the others but for you it was a little easier to distinguish what was real and what was fake. Because of your better grip on your emotions, you were able to continue leading everyone down the right path.

"Y/n." Thorin's voice came from behind you sounding beyond tired.

You looked to him in worry.

"We need to rest. Our minds need a break."

There is no escaping this until we are out. You told him this because it was true. The longer they stay the worse it will get.

Thorin huffed and ran a tired hand over his face, "perhaps for water then?"

You stopped walking and sniffed the air. Not smelling any immediate danger, just rotting wood, you deemed it safe to stop for a water break.

Fine but hurry. I have a terrible feeling.

"We all have a terrible feeling," Thorin mused while turned to the others who looked for guidance, "pause here only for a moment; drink some water."

Thorin offered you some water from his canteen but you declined with a shake of your head.

"You need it as much as us," Thorin told you.

I'm quite alright. The sooner we get out of here the better I'll be.

You watched the other sit on tree roots and chat amongst themselves. They looked far worse than when they had came in. Their beards all disheveled, paled skin and a crazy look in their eye. Yes you needed to get them out very soon. You watched Bilbo stare off at a tree trunk beside him, intently focused on something. Then he reached up and pulled at a stretchy white material like a string on a lute. A sound vibrated from his motion and traveled all the way up the tree.

Not good.

Your ears went back at the realization at what this white stuff was combined with the warning Beorn had said. 'Fell things creep beneath the trees'.

Just as the little hobbit made to do the same thing again you approached him quickly and growled making the poor thing jump and hold his hands close to his chest.

Stop! Don't touch it! You said even though he couldn't hear you.

All eyes turned to you at the sudden aggression.

Then you heard it. Whispers. Hissing and crackling high in the canopy above. You knew then that these weren't your average spiders.

"What is it lass?" Balin fretted looking between you and Bilbo.

Thorin stepped up, looking to the canopy as well, "I heard it too. Quiet everyone, we're being watched."

We need to leave. Now. You said trotting off back on the path.

Thorin couldn't agree more. He urged everyone to stay quiet as you moved. You travelled a good distance ahead, even hearing a fast rushing stream nearby when you smelled it.

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