Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Dragon Rider


The next day, was the coming of Gandalf the grey. He was surprised to say the least to see and army of elves guarding the mountain and more so to see Thranduil and Thorin talking to each other and existing in the same space without complication.

The wizards shock was short lived however when he remembered why he had made haste to the mountain in the first place. He rambled on quickly about Azog's army and the devastation headed your way and he was once again speechless to find that you had already known about all of that.

"How on earth could you know? They are still a hundred miles away at least?"

You shrugged, " ever since I became a dragon, I can hear and smell things from farther distances."

Gandalf's eyes widened, "became a dragon? My dear, you've done it?"

You smiled and laughed, "I doubted it too but yes. I am the reason Smaug is dead because I turned into a large fire breather."

The wizard looked at you with pride and shook his head, "I always knew you had it in you. How close is this army now?"

"Too close. We need to have council with the others and discuss a plan. They'll be here by dawn."

Thranduil, Thorin, certain members of the company like Bilbo, Balin, Dwalin, Fili and Kili, Bard, Gandalf and yourself were all present in Erebor's war room. A map lay on a large round table where you could discuss the best plan of action.

Thorin was just suggesting where the elves and men should be positioned in front of the gate when he asked from which direction the orcs were coming from.

"From the south, here," you pointed to the location, "but Dain will arrive just a few hours before they do."

"Dáin is coming?" Thorin asked in surprise.

You nodded, "I heard him and his army yesterday. They will be coming from the east. Right here. But..." you trailed off.

"But?" Voiced Gandalf.

"I just...don't think they'd take too kindly to seeing a dragon." You answered.

There was a moment of silence from the other as they thought.

Thorin spoke up," we could fly out and meet them. Let them know we're on the same side. It would spare unnecessary panic come the time of battle.

"We?" You huffed.

Thorin nodded, "they wouldn't hurt their king. If they see that I'm with you, they will trust you."

"I guess I won't be getting the warmest of welcomes either," mumbled Thranduil.

Thorin looked over at him, "Dain is...far more set to n his ways, but we will speak with him."

Gandalf nodded looking over the map, "that settles it then. Fly to Dáin and bring him up to speed on our current situation. By the time you return, the battle will be starting. I must say...we may yet have a chance at winning this if we hold true and stick together."

You smiled, "I believe you're right, Gandalf, for the first time I'm hopeful."

You discussed a little more with Bard on where the women and children could safely life in the mountain before walking with Thorin to the front gates. It was evening and going back into winter, a bitter cold was setting in.

Before leaving the gates you turned to Thorin and placed a sweet kiss on his lips which he instantly returned.

You pulled back and admired his handsome face, "No one's ever ridden a dragon before, Thorin. There's not telling what it'll be like for you. Please, hold on tight."

He smiled, "everything will be fine, darling. Come, we are losing time."

You agreed and stepped outside of the gates. Once you get like you had enough space, you closed your eyes and willed your body to turn into a dragon. The transformation hurt this time, but no where near as bad as the first time.

When the transformation was finished you looked back at Thorin and saw a large crowd of people watching. You couldn't say you blamed them. You would be doing the same thing if you weren't the dragon. Most have never seen one, to be before one was a privilege.

You lowered your head to Thorin who put a hand on your nose.

"You're truly magnificent," he praised.

You huffed, "get on."

As ordered, Thorin climbed on right behind your head and held on to your horns. You carefully raised your head off the ground and Thorin made an uneasy noise, which only made you more nervous.

"Are you sure you want to try this?" You asked before taking off.

"Yes, now let's go."

"If you say so, love." You held your wings up high and then slammed them to the ground, sending you into the sky like a flying arrow.

Once you were high enough, you leveled out and let out a successful roar seeing as Thorin was still safely on your neck.

After a moment you felt his grip loosen and he raised his arms, feeling the wind. Then came something you rarely heard but it made your heart swell with warmth. Laughter. Joyous and beautiful laughter bubbling out of Thorin as if he were a little boy again.

The happiness you felt coming off of him was contagious and you obliged with another happy roar.

Tomorrow was not going to be filled with happy memories so this one was a treasure. The feeling was weightless and carefree. It was just you, Thorin, and the world. It was a memory worth fighting any battle for.

The dwarf king, Thorin Oakenshield, now possessed a new title: dragon rider.

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