Chapter Thirty-One

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The Reign of Fire


"Thorin?" Your voice was barely a whisper. A part of you fearing for him as you knew what was about to come.

His reflective orbs slide over to you before he carefully sat himself up. He looked down at his abdomen and only found healed skin there where a fatal wound used to be. You watched as something caught his eye. His hand. He held it up close to his face where everyone could clearly see the skin of his hand was beginning to darken and his appendages began to grow.

Your eyes widened. There was no way he was turning into one this soon! Even that transformation could kill him.

"Oh Thorin I'm so sorry," your cried. There was a moment of softness that passed his features but it was quickly replaced by one of intense pain. He let out a scream as his Freon hunched over and his bones began to pop.

You could only cover your face and watch in horror at what you had caused him. All because you wanted him back so desperately.

"What's happening?!" Balin yelled over the screams of his king.

"He's changing!" You answered.

"Clearly, but what, Lass?!"

Your lip quivered, "into the last thing he saw."

"And what was that?" Balin asked a little softer.

All you could do was give him a sad and ashamed look.

A dragon.

Thorin had grown five times his size and the cries of pain came from him every time a bone popped or grew. His skin had grown very dark in color and scaly. His cries of pain were becoming deeper and louder. Every time he cried you let out a pained "I'm sorry", hurt that you had caused him this but unable to tear your eyes away.

After a long while of Thorin writhing in pain mixed with his own cries and that of very large beastly roars, there sat a tremendous black dragon, with horns that mimicked a crown on his head. He laid there breathing deeply, catching his breath.

 He laid there breathing deeply, catching his breath

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