Chapter Twenty

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"As soon as we have the weapons we make straight for the mountain,"Thorin whispered to you, Balin, Dwalin, and his nephews.

"Agreed." Nodded Fili, "I say we go now while Bard is gone."

Bad bad left all of the sudden and left his son to watch over the company. From his watchful eye and position by the door you could tell he was nervous in his father's absence.

"Follow me." You said. Thorin went to protest but followed behind you nonetheless. You made for the door when Bain stopped you.

"Da said you couldn't leave."

"You're a brave young man, but you can't stop us. We've come too far to be stopped now." With that you swung open the door and Bain let you go without another word. Even if he wanted to, he was no use against fourteen others.

You lead the way through the dark on the docks. You could see better than the other could in this light. You hid around corners and stealthily made your way to the armory.

"There it is," whispered to Thorin. He perked around the corner, with a hand on your waist to have a look for himself.

He grumbled lowly, "there's a guard by the door. We need a plan."

"I have a plan," you said to Thorin and the group.

"Well what is it?" Dwalin asked quickly.

Your eyes snapped to Thorin, "you in particular are not going to like it."

"Bless Mahal, y/n, what plan?" Thorin fretted.

You did less explaining and more doing. You pulled your hair down from his bun and gave it a good fluffing. You pulled your dress shoulder down and unbuttoned a couple buttons at your breasts.

Thorin shook his head and punched the bridge of his nose, "absolutely not. New plan. Now."

You chuckled lightly, "Thorin, darling." You took his face in your own, "trust me."

He searched your eyes for a moment before bowing his head and giving in.

You turned back to the guard and the dwarves watched in awe as you grew a few inches taller to the height of a woman. They often forget that you just chose to be the size of a dwarf but now you would use this height to your advantage.

You came from around the corner and walked up to the man, his eyes already on you.

"I don't think I've seen you in town before." He noted and looked you up and down.

You shrugged, "Just visiting some family. The trip from Rohan was very tiring."

"Pretty woman such as yourself shouldn't be out here in the cold and dark." He smiled albeit sweetly. You were sure he was a...somewhat nice guy. He would be knocked out here shortly.

You stepped closer to him, putting your hands on his chest, "I'm not used to this cold. Could I come inside?"

He smirked and put a hand on your waist, "sure thing, doll."

Just as he let you in the dark armory, he closed the door and turned to you.

He gasped, "y-your eyes."

You laughed, "you men are all the same." With one good swing you punched him so hard a pop could be heard. He fell to the floor with a thud. You dragged him away from the door and opened it, ushering the others inside.

Thorin cornered you immediately, "never do that again."

Before you could respond his lips were devouring your own making you moan into his mouth. All too soon he pulled away, "are you alright?"

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