Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The morning hours spent in the the large bed, laden with silk sheets and warm air from the fire made it very difficult to want to get out of bed. This and the fact that there was a handsome dwarf king sound asleep next to you.

Even though your eyes were closed, you were awake and mustering the energy to actually get up. Your mind wandered outside of the room. You could hear the bustle of lake men and women in the kingdom, and smell the wood fired and baking bread. But something captured your attention that was out of place. A silky voice demanding to speak with the king. He didn't sound happy.

"I have an arm at the door. Is this how you treat a king? Where is Thorin Oakenshield?" The voice grew more angered. With sudden realization you knew who that voice belonged to.

You gasped and shot up, shoving Thorin, "Thorin! Wake up!"

He jerked and sat up, "what? What's wrong?!" He rubbed his face and watched you scramble to put your dress back on.

"King Thranduil is at the front gate, demanding an audience with you!" You breathed out.

Thorin let out a low grumble, "He has no place to be near my kingdom!" Thorin got up and rushed around to find his own clothes.

"But that's not all," you said as you tied a robe around you, "he's brought an army with him."

Thorin scoffed, "of course he has."

Once Thorin was finished dressing you followed behind him out of your shared quarters.

"Thorin, I don't know what he wants but...maybe this is an opportunity to add to our numbers? We could use his help."

"Ha! Help from the elves of Mirkwood. Now that is funny."

You rolled your eyes. If he could just swallow his pride for once maybe you had a shot at winning this battle. Nonetheless you followed closely and ended up before the king Thranduil.

His eyes flashed angrily over Thorin but when they landed on you, they softened.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He wondered.

You shared a look with Thorin, who was confused at how he knew you, "this is my home now. I found my soulmate in Thorin." You looked at Thorin and answered his unasked question, "I lived in Mirkwood for a time. When Azog's patrols were relentless, he and his people were kind to me and gave me shelter. I'm indebted to them."

You looked back at Thranduil, "It is good to see you again, but what is your business here? We did not call for your aid, although we could use it."

"No, you did not. I am here because, the dwarf has something of mine that I wish to have."

You looked at Thorin who was just glaring heavily at Thranduil, "What is he talking about, Thorin?"

He was silent for a moment before speaking, "The white gems of Lasgalen."

The elf king nodded, "I commissioned them before the dragon attacked and Thrain, your father, in his selfish need for riches, kept them for himself. I want it back. It is...precious to me beyond measure and...meant to serve in my late wife's memory."

Your heart broke for Thranduil. There was no reason for Thrain to do something so horrible, "well, give them to him, Thorin. Maybe then we can have peace, a new beginning even." You rested a hand on Thorin's arm making him look at you, "We need him."

"Need me fore what?" The elf king tilted his head.

You sighed, "a darkness is coming, king Thranduil. I know you have felt it just as I have. We cannot hide from this any longer. In a few days time, an army of orcs and other foul creatures will be on our doorstep. We have no where near the numbers we need for a successful battle, even with a dragon. With your help, we may actually stand a chance."

A moment of silence passed in the king as he thought over your words. He looked to the ground then at Thorin, "The necklace?"

Thorin huffed, "see? What did I tell you? No help ever comes from the elves." Thorin swallowed hard, thinking for a moment, "wait here."

"Where are you going?" You called but he didn't respond.

After a moment he returned with a velvety black box in his hand and a small black bag.

He stood before Thranduil and opened the box, revealing the prettiest gems fashioned into a necklace you'd even seen. They were pure white and emitted their own dazzling light but in the light they twinkled like stars.

Thranduil looked mesmerized while Thorin spoke, "this is what you are after? You may have them and more loose stones to do whatever your heart desires."

The elf king still looked skeptical, "what is the catch?"

Thorin shrugged, "there is no catch. I am not my father and I am not certainly not my grandfather. Too long have we hated each other. Too long have I despised even the mention of your kind. Too long. I no longer wish to have such hatred for you in my heart. I wish for peace between us." He looked over at you with soft eyes, "I...need to learn to swallow my pride every now and then to do what is best for my people and my home. An alliance once existed between the elves and dwarves, it would mean everything to us if you could help us in this fight. But if not..." he handed Thranduil the necklace and bag of gems, "you take your precious gems and leave our kingdom for good."

Thranduil looked down at the necklace in his hand and used a hand to softly stoke the stones in it. After a moment he closed the box and gazed behind him out at his army and the world beyond.

He looked back at Thorin and you, "let's kill some orc."

Such simple words brought a wide smile to your face. There was finally some hope at last.



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