Chapter Ten

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A/N: so sorry for the long hiatus from this story. Writer's block was a bitch and I completed a 14chapter Halbrand story since the last update. I hope this chapter makes up for that.


Once in the safety of the cave, you all but bolted to the very back recesses of it. You sat and hugged your knees, silently whimpered to yourself. You never wanted to go through something like that ever again. You wanted off of this cursed mountain at first light!

A hand on you made you jump. Thorin held his hands up in surrender and looked at you as if you were this fragile broken thing. You felt his worry for you.

"Are you alright?" He placed his warm hand on your shoulder, carefully looking you over.

You sighed and hid your face in your knees again, "the sooner we get off this mountain, the better I'll be."

"We leave as soon as the dawn. Rest y/n. You need your strength." He instructed and sat himself beside you. You thought about turning into a beast with thick fur at the moment. Perhaps a bear would do. In this form, you were much more prone to the cold. You'd give anything to be nice and warm right now. But you didn't feel like stripping in front of everyone at the same time. So you let Thorin hold you and his warmth enveloped you.

Thorin showed you warm summer days of his childhood in his minds eye. You relished in being shown some of his fondest memories to put you to sleep.

It was just going to be one of those days. Your sleep did not last long when a familiar yet putrid smell met your nose. You gasped awake and held a hand over your nostril searching for the gangly creature the scent belonged to.

"What?" Thorin jumped awake as well," What's wrong?"

You looked around, "Goblins." As if on que the sandy floor beneath you began to crack and it spread all underneath the company. Thorin struggled to wake the others up before the floor underneath the group dropped from under their feet.

You couldn't repress a surprised scream as did the rest of the company. You were sent tumbling and sliding down a winding passage. It spit everyone out in a spacious cavern, the stink of goblin was overwhelming now.

Thorin had landed beside you, his gaze on the horde of goblins headed your way. All clustered up and scaling the cavern they looked a lot like an army of ants. Only these had sharp teeth and weapons.

Thorin grabbed your hand pulling you from your thoughts, "we need you, y/n."

You nodded. You thought of the most intimidating thing you had the ability to transform into and felt you hair grow thick, your claws like daggers, and you skin a thick hide. Where a woman once lay, was now a giant white bear. Just before the goblins could reach the others, you stood on your hind legs and gave a terrifying roar. It shook the cavern and rattle the bones of the goblins. You charged the army at full speed. Many scattered from fear but were met with a gruesome death. Some were swiped off the platform, some had thick gashes through their throats and as a result bled out on the spot.

The dwarves rallied to you and charged as well. A great number of them had been slain.

Of course though, they had strength in numbers and eventually overpowered the company. A few of them threw giant chains over your back that weighed you down and, like a net, it blanketed you from getting to the others. You were prodded through the links in the chain and forced to move forward.

You made known your protest in angry growls and roared loudly when an ignorant goblins got too close.

They lead everyone to the one that rules them all, the goblin king. An unsightly and disgustingly large goblin that sits on the throne, feeding on the suffering of some of his own kind.

"Who would be so bold to come armed into my kingdom?" He growled and looked over the company with a careful eye.

A lesser goblin answered, "Dwarves your malevolence!"

"Dwarves?!" The king repeated.

The lesser goblin continued, "and a skin-changer."

The goblin king looked to you, under the weight of chains. "Oh? There's an orc that would pay good money to have you imprisoned again." He came close to your restraints and you lashed out at him. Nearly clawing his gullet. The king jumped and became rattled.

"Perhaps I should just kill you now to teach these other fools a lesson!" He held his staff high above you and your heart sunk.

Just as he came down a voice rang out, "Stop!!"

Everyone looked to the disturbance to see Thorin stepping from the others, an angry expression over his features.

"You will have me to answer to if you harm a hair on her head!" He yelled making your hair bristle. You'd never seen him so angry. It had to be the mate pull that made him act like this. You can't say you wouldn't have done the same in his place.

"Ah welcome son of Thrain, son of Thror. King under the mountain." He gave a mock of a bow, "oh but I'm forgetting! But you don't have a mountain and you're not a king which makes you... no body really." The goblin king looked over him now for a moment, "the pale Orc would pay good money for your head and the return of his beast."

Thorin was shaking with rage, "Azog the defiler was killed in battle long ago!"

"So you think his defiling days are done do you?" The king laughed darkly. And stood to his full height and had word sent to the pale Orc that his prizes had been found. "You will see, king under the mountain. Search them! Any weapons and trinkets I want them all!!"

You watched as the dwarves were prodded and forced to give up their weapons. Thorin's sword was unsheathed and a goblin revolted at the sight. He tossed it down like the blade was hot to the touch. The clang caught the attention of the goblin king who also retreated at the sight. A look if fear coming over his features.

"I know that sword! It is the Goblin Cleaver! The Biter! The blade that sliced a thousand necks! Slash them! Beat them! Kill them all!!" The king demanded fearfully.

The goblins responded by eating if the dwarves and trying to attack them. Still being trapped under heavy chains you could do very little but angrily roar and slash your giant paws, hoping it was as intimidating as you thought it was.

The goblin kings next words sent a chill through you body. He pointed right at Thorin and ordered, "cut off his head!!"

Something inside you snapped. You don't know what it was but you felt stronger because of it. Just as you pulled the heavy chains off of your back, a blinding wave of white light blasted the cave. Forcing every creature in its vicinity to lay on the floor. A calm silence and a ringing in the ears.

Feeling dazed you blinked at the source. In the white light stood a familiar silhouette with a pointy hat and staff. Funny how the white light and the peaceful calm only rendered one thought in your mind: an angel.

An angel that spoke carefully and calmly given the situation.

"Take up arms and fight...fight!"


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A/N: Next chapter will be a little bit more juicy.

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