Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: shorter chapter. Hope you enjoy! The next few chapters will be juicy.


A grand celebration had been held in Lake Town and in the master's own home. Who would have thought that the prospect of unimaginable wealth would warrant such a gathering but everyone is greedy in their own right. You just hoped that Thorin was true to his word. The gold that was in that money was dangerous. If they hadn't learned by now that that much wealth could entice a dragon, they needed to rework their system. There was plenty enough for all to share. Thorin had to make good on his promise.

And then there was a dragon...that was an issue all on its own.

Are you alright? Came a voice inside your head.

You looked up from your glass of wine to lock eyes with Thorin across the room. Between you there was a crowd of dwarves and men dancing to the upbeat band that was playing.

You smiled and looked away my mind is miles away. Forgive me.

Come with me, he thought to you.

Your brows furrowed but you got up nonetheless and walked over to him, he put a hand on the small of your back and lead you to a private balcony, away from all the noise.

You audibly sighed and rested your hands on the bannister. The snow falling down mad why Lonely Mountain look peaceful in the distance.

"Something troubles you," Thorin noted, resting his hands on the bannister too.

You huffed, "I can't hide anything from you. It's the mountain. I don't know how to explain it but I can feel it in my bones, Thorin. Smaug lives and breathes inside of it. It's not a matter of if there's a dragon. I know there is haunts me what might happen if I were to look at it. I'm scared." That last bit was naught but a whisper on the cold wind.

Thorin wrapped an arm around you and came closer, hugging you to him, "Perhaps the question of dragon transformation should be left just as that. If anything were to happen to you...I...I-" he trailed off trying to find the words to convey such a terrible thing happening.

"Shh, I'm right here," you said softly and turned into him, resting your head on his chest, "I have to try, Thorin. For Bilbo's sake. For Lake Town's sake. For yours, for mine, for everyone. While Smaug lives, he is a threat to all. We cannot be defenseless."

Thorin was silent for a moment as he rubbed your back in thought, "why not guarantee him a foe he cannot defeat?"

You pulled back, "what are you suggesting?"

He shrugged, "why let him go against one dragon when he could battle two?"

"Blood sharing with you?" You shook your head, "we've been over this, I will not put you through that pain. You would resent me."

He ran a hand down your cheek softly, "there's not a single thing you could do to warrant my resentment."

You breathed and looked away from him, "No. I-I I wouldn't do something like that unless there was no other option."

"Alright," he said gently; not pressing further, " It pains me that you have this turmoil inside of you. I wish I could guarantee that you would survive a dragon transformation but...I cannot. If...wherever you go I will follow."

"Even if it is death?"

"Even if it is death, amrâlimê." He used a thumb to gently pass over your lips.

You closed the gap and pressed your lips to his. He met you in a sweet, and tender kiss. Pouring all of his love into it.

You pulled back panting slightly, "I love you."

"And I love you more." He smiled warmly.

"I do have a plan you know?" You sighed after a long time and leaned back on the bannister.

"Oh? And what's that? Hopefully it doesn't involve seduction again."

You laughed and numbed his shoulder, "nothing so simple. I've never tried a transformation on this scale but I think I can slow it down, progressively change more and more rather than all at once."

He thought for a moment with a hum, "if you think it could work?"

You shrugged, "I have to try. My life depends on it."

He nodded and looked out to the mountain, "that is a test for the coming days, for now, I very much wish to dance and drink with the one I hold dearest to me."

"Dwalin?" You joked.

"Very funny," he pulled you tight against him, giving your hip a squeeze, "but no. I was thinking about my future queen actually. "

You beamed at him, "say no more, my king. We may have yet one joyous night left. Let us indulge in it, shall we?"

"We shall." He kissed up your hand before pulling you back into the warmth of the party. The two of you stole the show with plenty of looks as you danced and laughed the night away.



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