Chapter Eleven

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Gandalf had saved everyone's skin once more. Now the hard part was actually fighting your way out of the goblin kingdom. You lead the way with brute force, hacking and mauling a path out of there. Many goblins would rush you and often, one loud roar was enough to frighten them away. Your white fur had become stained a deep red color. It dripped from your mouth making you look all the more terrifying. They would be wise to avoid you.

The exit Gandalf had advised you to take was too small for a bear of your size. You guarded from behind as the dwarves trickled out. Once they were through you transformed into a little white finch. You perched yourself on Thorin's shoulder until you had cleared the exit. Daylight was on your side for now, as goblins and most evil creature burned in its light.

The company stopped running to get a breather in a set of trees. You got off Thorin's shoulder and changed into a bear again.

Thorin turned to you, "have we outrun them?"

Not for long. Come nightfall, every goblin and orc will be hunting us. We need to get out of here, you told him.

Gandalf was taking a head count of everyone, "and Bilbo...where is our hobbit?"

Everyone looked around for the hobbit. You sniffed the air a smelled Bilbo's scent but couldn't see him. That was strange. You had never known that to happen before.

You nudged Thorin with your nose and told him your findings.

A confused look crossed his face, "That's absurd. Then he must be around here somewhere."

Gandalf noticed the conversation the king was having with you, "What is it? Do you smell him near, dear y/n?"

You nodded.

Dwalin grumbled, "Ah the halfling has finally decided to run off. Let him go."

Thorin agreed, "he's thought of nothing but his warm hearth since he first stepped out of his door. We will not be seeing our hobbit again. He is long gone."

"No." Came a familiar voice, "he isn't."

You turned to see Bilbo stepping out from behind a tree. There was an eruption of cheers except from Thorin who hung his head in shame.

Kili smiled widely, "Bilbo! We'd given you up!"

The wizard waved a hand, "what does it matter? He's back."

Thorin spoke then, silencing all, "it matters. I want to know, why did you come back?"

Bilbo sighed and pocketed his hands while he thought the question over, all eyes on him now, "I know you all doubt me, you always have. And you're right: I often think of Bag-End. I miss my books...and my armchair. See that's where I belong—that's home. And that's why I came back because you don't have one—a home. But I will help you take it back if I can."

The dwarves took his words into consideration. They couldn't be mad at him after that. You were proud to have the halfling along. He would always have a place in Erebor if he chooses. Bilbo cares about the company and it's quest which is more than anyone could've asked for.

While everyone was beginning to apologize a smell caught your nose. It was putrid and dirty. You'd known only one creature to have that scent before. Orcs.

You lowered your head and let out a low protective growl.

Eyes turned to you for answer but they learned of its source for themselves when hellish howls on the wind met their ears.

"Out of the frying pan-" Thorin started.

"And into the fire." Gandalf finished, "run! Run!!"

Gandalf lead everyone down the face of the mountain, Azog's Orc pack was getting closer and closer by the second. When they were met with a cliff, panic filled your heart. There was no where to go but up. The company ascended into the trees, but you decided to remain on the ground and fight off the first wave of wargs. You were easily much larger than them and batted them away with a powerful swipe of your paw.

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