Chapter 15

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Girl talk

Hayleys POV
I've never been shopping before! I've never even been to a mall before! Demi has been taking me to all her favourite clothes stores and letting me get whatever I want! As long as it's 'age appropriate'
I'm so excited to go back to camp and show off my new clothes to everyone. As everyone just knows me as 'the girl that puked on Cyrus and dresses like a hobo'
"So where to next?" Demi shouted then looked down at my ripped rugged old boots, "how about some shoes?" She said
"Omg yes please!" I cried. I've worn the same pair of boots for about 4 years and they are so torn and worn out, they hurt my feet and smell like shreks swamp. We walked into a really sporty shoe store. The shoes looked really fancy with laces and brands. "See anything you like?" Demi asked. I walked over to a Velcro pair. "These are nice" I said  then turned to a employee "hey, do u have these in a woman's 8?" I asked him "sorry, no we only stock those in kid sizes, you might find something over there that's more your fit" he smiled pointing to another section. I put the shoe back and walked over to the section he pointed at and Demi followed behind me. There were so many options! How do people decide, "Hey these ones are so nice! They'd go with everything, try them on and see if there comfortable" she said handing me the display shoe. I slipped it on and took a couple steps in it. "You might wanna tie the shoe lace so you don't trip" Demi chuckled. I sighed and looked down in embarrassment. "Ive never had proper shoes before.. no one's ever taught me how.." I said really quietly. I thought for sure Demi would laugh or mock me, but she didn't. "Oh that's okay! I can do it for you now and when we get back I can show you how to tie them up, it's super easy once you get the hang of it and you'll be able to do it with out even thinking about it!" she said bending down to tie my shoe. She didn't make a big deal out of it, Which just made me love her more.  "There! How's that?" She said. I took a couple steps. "Wow.. these are so comfy it's like there's cushion under my foot" I exclaimed. "Yeh that's how a good shoe is meant to be" Demi smiled. "Are these the ones you want?"  "Yes please! I love them" I replied
Demi went over to get a worker to grab me a pair of shoes. I looked at myself in the mirror, and for the first time, I didn't mind what I saw, Demi had brushed my hair out, my face and skin was clean, and I was wearing nice blue jeans with a white top and a oversized grey jacket, it was the nicest clothes I'd ever worn.

*ring ring*

I gasped in excitement and quickly grabbed my phone. Yes! It was Casey and Rebecca. I answered it quickly
"Hello!" I answered excited "hayley! How are you!" One of the girls said "I'm sorry I can't hear you what?" I said "I can't hear you?" The other end said "hang on one sec." I walked out of the store as the music was really loud and that's why we couldn't hear. "Hey sorry about that. What's up guys!"
"Hey! It's me Casey. Rebecca is working. Girl we miss you!" Casey cried
H- "I miss you guys too"
C- "how's everything going? What's it like? Are the people nice?"
H-"it's actually great. It's a really fancy place and the people are nice, one of the workers are... really nice."
C- "that's so good! I am so glad, listen I don't have a lot of time but I saw the news paper this morning at work and Amanda hasn't even reported me and Rebecca missing!"
C- " I know! But there's no way she'd think to look for us here anyway. we are hours away"
H- "right.."
C- "yeh I just wanted to let you know. The old couple that drove us into the city, know all about the orphanage and us running away, they promised they wouldn't tell anyone"
H-"that's insane!"
C-"Oh hey I gotta go! But Rebecca will call you after our shift!"
We said bye and we hung up. I feel so lonely every time we end a call, those girls are my sisters, blood or not. I looked up to see a piercing store across from where we were standing. I've always wanted a piercing.
"Hayley?!" I turned around to see Demi frantically looking for me.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm over here" I said "Hayley, omg you can't just run off" she shouted "sorry I had a phone call and we couldn't hear in there" I responded
"oh okay who-" "can I please get a piercing!" I interrupted grabbing her arm. I saw her thinking about it for a second, "I'd have to get permission from your..." she stopped, and covered her mouth like she said something bad. "It's okay Demi, and it's okay, Amanda won't even know" I reassured.
"How wouldn't she know?" Demi asked "please, one of the kids came back with a tattoo half way down their thigh and she didn't say a word, she doesn't care" I saved, of course this wasn't true. I just knew I wasn't going to see Amanda again, and it wasn't a complete lie. She wouldn't care anyway. "Okay fine! What are you thinking?" She smiled. "I want to get my nose pierced!" I yelled jumping up and down. "No way, maybe when your 18" she said sternly, I groaned.  "hey, you don't have your ears pierced?" She said "no I don't have any piercings" I said touching my ear. "We'll let's go get them done!"

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