Chapter 7

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Me & her

Hayleys POV
I woke up not knowing where I was, but then the events of last night came flooding in my head causing a headache.
Last night was really intense.
I didn't know what to make of it,  what if Demi tells someone? She probably thinks I'm an attention seeker or an idiot.
I kinda felt a sense of release now that someone knows. It was still dark outside, I checked the time on Demis phone it was 4:30am. I looked over at Demi, she was still asleep. She slept with her arm around me and her arm was still stretched out on my side. I smiled she looked so beautiful, I gently covered her with another blanket and stepped outside into the hall. I was up for the day now no point in going back to sleep. I really needed a smoke but I don't know what room number the boys is. ugh.. stupid Zeke, taking MY smokes, hang on, if Demi is my camp leader, anything confiscated from her group, she would have, right?

I quietly walked back into Demis room. where would the confiscated shit be? I snuck around the room opening and closing cabinets. I even looked in her underwear drawer. There was one cupboard I hadn't checked above the sink, please Be in here please be in here I thought. I Slowly opened the cupboard door and YES! My smokes! I peaked over at Demi. Phew still asleep.
I snuck back out so happy to have my smokes back and be able to have a smoke when i want. I walked outside. It was freezing, it was still foggy and the grass was covered in frost, I shivered, I was willing to tough it out for 5 minutes while i had a smoke though.
I lit up my smoke and started thinking about last night,
The conversations we had before we fell asleep, the way Demi held me till i fell asleep and how she listened and comforted me when i told her about my parents and the bullies at school.
Ive never felt this.. its like weird, i feel warm inside and things seem less grey.

"Heyyy!" A familiar voice called out.
I turned to see Noah.
"Oh hey!, what are you doing up so early?" I asked "was just about to ask you the same thing, but I can see your a smoker" he replied "do you smoke?" I asked taking a puff "nah, I do hardcore stuff" he smiled

Demis POV

My eyes slowly opened as my body woke up and I sat up for a stretch. I looked around my room then down next to me where I expected to see Hayley, I checked the time on my phone, maybe I slept in and she's at Breakfast? But my alarm didn't go off, and Matt would have woken me up. It was 4:43am omg where is she?? I started to panic. I threw a jumper on and ran out my room and down the hall to the bathroom. The bathroom was empty.
I ran outside maybe she has gone for a walk?
I opened the door and stepped out and let out a huge sigh of relief when I saw Hayley, she was ok. She was having a smoke and Noah was sitting next to her. I watched them for a bit. Noah has been coming to this camp for a couple years and I knew him well, he wasn't a good kid he was nothing but trouble. I was going to have him banned but I was talked out of it, but now that I see him talking to Hayley i regret my decision.

I cleared my throat to get their attention,
Somehow i feel like Hayley knew it was me because she would not turn around and look at me which upset me a little bit.. 
"Oh hi Demi. What are you doing up so early?" Noah smiled.
"I was actually looking for Hayley" I gestured towards Hayley.
There was a minute of silence, I think we were both waiting for Hayley to say something. She still hasn't spoken or looked at me. "What are you guys doing out here so early?" I asked
"I was going for a early morning stroll and I ran into Hayley so decided I'd sit and chat with her for a bit" Noah replied politely. Ugh so fake I thought to myself.
"Oh okay well it's really cold outside so why don't you go back to your lobby and Hayley, you can come back inside to please" I ordered. I know they wouldn't like it but I am a camp leader and they have to follow my orders. "Okay. Demi"
Noah said getting up and brushing himself down then turning to Hayley "and I will see you later" Noah winked at Hayley before walking away which made me a little mad.
Hayley still hadn't even acknowledged me.
"Hunny, is everything ok?" I took a cautious step towards her
"Mhm" she hummed
"Okay, well.. could you please come inside now?" I asked
I watched as she got up, she pushed past me and went inside and sat in the lobby in front of the fire place warming herself up still not saying a word. What is going on with her?
I wanted to go back to sleep but knew I had to stay up with Hayley so I turned the kettle on and boiled some water for my
Coffee. I was making a coffee and It was very silent. Mostly because everyone was still asleep but i was waiting for Hayley to say something, But she didn't.
I took a seat next to her and smiled.
I couldn't think of anything to say to start a conversation other then "how are you feeling?" I was nervous for her response Hayley is really unpredictable.

She took a deep breath and sighed
"I'm okay.. I feel a bit... uneasy I guess" she replied quietly. I nodded I understood. "Is it because of what I found out about last night?" I asked softly and she nodded, a tear escaped her eye and I wiped it away. "Baby girl, I am not judging you, and i have been in a bad place before to. But it can get better, you just have to open up to people" I said.
But she didn't answer
"So... um how do you know Noah?" I asked casually, taking a sip of my coffee. Hayley smiled, oh god.
"I bumped into him. He's really nice"
She said.  "Well, uh. I mean. Yeah I have known him for a few years he's been coming To the camp, he's given me some trouble but I guess" I said
"What kind of trouble?" She asked
"Well I'm not really supposed to say" I replied
"Plleeeease?" She begged giving me puppy dog eyes. I laughed
"Well when he was 14 I wouldn't let him have a third desert so he stole my clothes and towel while I was in the shower, then he got in trouble for that and was mad at me again. Then when we were having a movie night he glued me to the seat and glued the seat to the floor, he stole my tampons and ran around with them up he's nose!" Hayley let out a giggle. It was the cutest little giggle and i was happy to see her laugh a bit. "He did lots of stuff. Stuff way worse then that, we went on the flying fox and he had cut my harness so that it would snap while I was on it, luckily it was checked properly-" I said "..oh. Why would he do that?" Hayley asked "I don't know but it's in the past now right?" I smiled. Hayley nodded. "I want to have a shower" she said "ok. I'll wait in the bathroom for you." I said "um no your not" hayley shouted turning around to face me "why not? There's no rules?" I smirked "because that's weird I don't want you in there while I shower" she hissed. "I'm gonna have a shower to then" i shrugged
"Ugh!" Hayley rolled her eyes and started walking to her room, I chuckled.

Hayley came out of her room with a towel. "Aren't you gonna change clothes?" I asked. She looked down at herself "...this is all I have." She said. Oh right, she comes from an orphanage she probably wouldn't have much. She looked very uncomfortable and upset "hey, how about we go shopping tomorrow!" I suggested "we have a full day of activities but tomorrow we have a free day" I said
"Thatd be really awesome!" She smiled. I smiled back and we walked to my room.
Hayley sat on my bed and I went through my suit case to find some clothes Hayley could wear until tomorrow. Hmm my clothes were to big for her but maybe a jumper and some bike shorts would be okay? I held up what I had picked out for her "um, ok I'll try them on after the shower" she said. "Can you try them on now? That way if they don't fit I can just get something else now, it will be a lot easier." I said. I could tell she was uncomfortable but I was trying to help "don't worry I won't look. We're both girls anyway" I said
She hesitated and took the clothes and started to change.  I know I said I wouldn't look, and I didn't mean to and I didn't intend to but while I was looking at my phone I could see her in the reflection. I almost gasped when I saw her rib cage and all these scars. How did I not notice that last night! I wanted to give her a hug and cry I felt her pain and I cared about her so much.
"They fit fine"
"What? Huh?, oh right" I stuttered."yeah it looks fine" I smiled

We were walking into the bathroom.
"Hey are we allowed to use the spa?" Hayley asked
"Yeah of corse but you have to book it"
I answered "how do you book it?"
Well you and your friends go to the lobby and ask your leader what day and time are available then it gets written on the board but it has to be a minimum of 2 people and maximum of 6" I said
"Oh ok"
"Do you want to book it?" I asked
"No was just wondering" she said

We jumped in the shower and I got out first, dried myself off and applied a little bit of make up. It was almost 6am so we still had 2 hours to kill before we had to be at breakfast. Hayley got out of the shower not long after me and she looked adorable in my jumper that was oversized on her and her long dark hair hanging down to her waist. It was to cold for her to be going out with wet hair. She combed her hair and started to walk out the bathroom "hey where do you think your off to?" I asked
"Um.. well my room?" She said
"Can I blow dry your hair first?"
"Well your going to get sick if you go out with your hair wet like that."
Hayley gave me a puzzled looked
"Ok, then I can go back to my room?" She asked
I sighed but agreed, I didn't really want to be apart from her at the moment but i was being way to overprotective

"Ok let me know if I burn you" i said turning on the hair dryer
I dried Hayleys hair really taking my time, but it didn't matter anyway she had such long thick hair it took me ages to dry it.
"All done" I chirped.
Hayley ran her hand through her hair
"Thank you Demi!"
And after she got up she pretty much said bye and left "I will see you at 8am for breakfast!" I called out.
"Yes!" She called back, I could hear a bit of annoyance in her voice.

After she left I felt a bit empty. I feel as though I was nurturing her a little bit and it felt right.

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