Chapter 18

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A serving of poison

Demi's POV
It's been a few days and Hayley has completely ignored me. We haven't spoken or anything. I have been watching her though. Not in a weird way, I'm just keeping an eye on her. She's been all over Noah, whenever I try to go over to them or start conversation she pulls him away with her. I have noticed that she has stopped hanging out with her group of friends as much and she spends a lot more time with Noah which concerns me. Our groups are divided by age intentionally so ideally I can spilt the two of them up and forbid them from seeing each other but I know that would make Hayley resent me more and she would only end up sneaking off anyway, putting her in more danger. so I can't do that.

"Knock knock!" Nick yelled walking into my room, "Nick! You can't just come in with out making sure I'm dressed first!" I yelled "I know I'm sorry but this is kinda an emergency" he babbled "what is it?" I asked panicked starting to think of every worse case scenario "the cafeteria is out of maple syrup" Nick cried. I stared at him and raised my hand to my chest taking deep breaths "don't do that" I yelled punching he's arm as he laughed "I'm sorry it's just so easy, you need to take a chill pill or something" Nick said trying to contain himself. I turned back around to the mirror and started fixing my hair. "What's actually up?" I said watching him through the mirror. "We're taking the fort winners to maccas for lunch today, remember? We're leaving in like 5" he said looking at he's watch. "Oh shoot" I muttered checking my calendar. "Okay yeh I'll be there in a sec"
"Aight see you in a bit" he smiled closing the door behind him. Okay great.

"Alright! Joel, Abigail, Hayley, Noah, Maddie Ava and Jess?" I walked out the front to see Nick reading the names off the clipboard. Everyone was here "alright, let's go!" I cheered
"Wait" a voice called out "I don't want to come" I turned around to see it was Hayley "what why not?" Maddie asked looking at her, I looked over at Hayley to see her looking uncomfortable, I noticed her gaze to see she was looking at Abigail who was totally all over Noah! Abigail was in turbo jets she wasn't in our group but she was part of the winning team, she was like a female version of Noah. But just a lot less evil. Kind of. I was her group leader for 2 years in a row and she's such a headache. I figured Hayley just didn't want to go because she was feeling uncomfortable with Abigail who was acting totally inappropriate with someone whose in a relationship. "How about, we take the girls for lunch and the boys for dinner?" I suggested. I noticed Abigail giving me a dirty look. "No, maybe you should take the younger kids, and leave the older kids here alone" Abigail sneered.
"No one's being left here alone. Come on boys I'll take you now for lunch and Demi," Nick said looking at me, "you can do something with the girls now and when I get back, you can take them for dinner, sound good everyone?" He smiled putting he's thumbs up "no!"Joel screamed, everyone turned to look at Joel. "Uh um. I'm actually vegan. So I'll just join the rest of the groups with Matt in the main lobby" he said rushing off. I saw Noah chuckle as he watched Joel leave. I looked over at Nick and then he ran after Joel to check on him. "What if we just get a pizza delivered and we can have it here?" Jess suggested "yes!" Everyone agreed. Thank god, this was starting to get complicated. "Alright awesome!" I said rubbing my hands together. I walked over to the fridge and called the number on the magnet.

"Hello! Silverside pizza how can I help you?" The phone answered. "Hi!" I responded "okay what does everyone want?" I asked
"I'll have pepperoni!" Maddie shouted putting her hand up
"Me too! And Hawaiian" Jess added
"Get meat lovers" Noah said
"Uh yeh sounds good" Hayley smiled

I repeated the order to the pizza man on the phone when Nick and Joel walked back in "oh hey hold on one second" I said covering the phone with my hand "hey Joel we're ordering pizza want me to ask if they do vegan ones?" I joked knowing he wasn't actually vegan as I'd seen him down the burger's yesterday at lunch. I got a small giggle in response "yeh ask them if their meat lovers is vegan" he joked back. "Make sure you remember garlic bread" Nick whisper shouted snapping he's fingers.
I finished the order and ended the call "alright pizza will be here in 1 hour" I yelled out joyfully "1 hour?"Ava complained "yeah that's the closet pizza place, it's 40 minutes away" I shrugged pulling out monopoly from the game cupboard. "Let's play monopoly to pass the time!" I shouted looking to see everyone's response. everyone except Hayley looked keen. "What about Mario kart!" Hayley suggested grabbing the wii remote "yes! That honestly sounds way better" Nick said and everyone agreed.

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