Chapter 37

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Closer then you think

Demis POV
I woke up the next morning wondering where I was. Yuck. Dumpy motel, I stretched and got up to take a shower. I went into the shower that looked like it'd never been used or cleaned, I turned the water on and it came out brown. "Disgusting" I screamed "ugh, I gotta get out of here" I grabbed my phone and had a bunch of messages but none about Hayley so I chose to ignore them and prioritise getting out of here. No wonder this was the only place that wasn't booked out, was hoping for better luck today. I googled some nice hotels in the area and I found one in between the cafe and police station. I called up but wasn't able to make a booking till the following night. So I was stuck in this rot for one more night. I decided I wouldn't spend my day in the room and I may as well walk about and get some fresh air.

I found myself near a park and decided I'd sit there and answer some messages. They were mostly just asking if I was okay and where I was, I messaged everyone back to assure them I was okay and updates about Hayley. Which there wasn't much to give. I sighed and sat back and looked at the blue sky wishing so much, praying that I'll see Hayley again soon. I couldn't get her off my mind.
I spent the day on the phone, walking around, stopping by cafes for coffee and just waiting for the day to go by. Around 5:30 it started getting cold and dark, summers over now and it gets so cold in the winter. Maybe I should open a winter camp as well. There are some fun winter activities. I smiled to myself at that thought.

I got back to my trashy room and stood in front of the door while I patted my jacket down for the keys. Shit. I must've left them in my car or lost them. Luckily I was on the ground floor so didn't have to go all the way up and down the stairs again. I started heading back to my car and checked the front seat to see if they dropped out of my pocket. Nope nothing. Damn, good thing it was still early and I could go to the front desk for help.

Hayley's POV
Another beautiful day of work. I sighed to myself sarcastically as I got out of bed, and no, not work at the cafe.

So here's an update. After I left Casey and Rebecca's place I wondered around for hours. Most of the night. I had no idea where I was going or what to do. A small part of me wanted to call Demi for help but as if she'd come help me, after I left her. She didn't care about me as much as I wanted to think she did. I missed her so much.
As I was walking through a really dark ally to find somewhere to rest for the night I saw a girl get out of a car and a man handed her some money. Money, that's what I needed. For food, a place to stay and other necessities.
"Excuse me, miss?" I said running up to her.
She turned around to look at me. "What do you want squirt?" She said in a bitter tone. "Um. I was just wondering. How did you do that? You know, get that guy to just hand you money" I asked pointing in the direction of where the car was. She looked back at me and smiled "you wanna learn kid?" She smiled down eerily at me. I nodded my head. "Follow me" she said already walking away. I followed her for about 5 minutes in total silence, wondering if I'd made the right decision.
"Here we are" she said unpleasantly.
I looked around, it was a parking lot with 3 story high buildings all the way around it. "A motel?" I asked "mmhmm. Bushwell inn.. an undercover brothel" she whispered to me. "Why here?" I asked "because. It's a dump" she said aggressively spitting on the ground "it's dirt cheap to rent a motel room for the night. Which is all the people that come here ask for" she said starting to walk off again. "Oh?" I said still a bit confused starting to follow her again.

We walked up to the rooms and stopped in front of room 100, "here we are" she said knocking on the door "open" I took a step back as the deep voice inside gave me a fright. "Come on kid" she said motioning for me to go in first. I slowly took a step in the office like room, it wasn't very clean, and unkept, but no one was in here. "Mars. I found this girl. She wants to know how to make some money" the girl said from behind me. "Oh really now" I looked over to another room, must have been a bathroom where I heard the voice coming from.
a large man stepped out, he was dressed up and had short blonde hair. I took another step back and looked up to see his face. He had a big scar on his left cheek and a very well trimmed beard. "Um hi" I whimpered he smiled "hi there, what's your name?" He asked extending a hand out for me to shake. I hesitantly took his hand and shook it "Hayley" I answered nervously. he had a firm hand shake and rough hands with calluses. "Well Hayley. I'm Mars. Nice to meet you, this young lady behind you is Sabrina" he said gesturing to the girl behind me. "Look boss. I gotta go I have another one in 20" she said then left. Leaving me with alone with Mars. We stared at each other for a minute before he broke the silence. "So! Where do you come from?" He asked
I wasn't sure weather or not to tell him the truth or lie. I decided lying probably wouldn't do me any good. "An orphanage, way on the other side of the state, past the country, I ran away" I sighed "ah. Poor kid. I get it" he said "you do?"
"Yeah, I grew up with out my folks, I'm guessing you had it rough" he said, he's voice was very deep and abrupt, he sounded like he needed a glass of water.
"So... how can I make some money?" I asked
"Well, first let me ask you this, are you a virgin?"
I gulped "no" I answered
He sat back in his chair.
"What I can offer you. Is up to $200 a day and 50% off staying in one of these rooms at the bushwell inn"
"Okay. What do I have to do?"
"Have sex with the men that want it"
That caught me a little off guard and I needed a minute to process what he had just asked of me.
"Um. Im sorry, what? You'll pay me to have sex with men?" I asked "not me, the men will pay you. But as your pimp I get 20% plus what the room costs" he said.
"So are you up for it?" He offered
"How many times a day?" I asked
" usually twice. Some nights are busier then others. You get to choose what days you work"
I thought about his offer. I mean it's not like something I hadn't done before, right? "Okay" I said
"I'll need you to sign this" he said bringing out a piece of paper and handing me a pen. "What is it?" I asked scanning the paper
"A 12 month contact, which means you'll work for me and you can't break it for a year" he said
I thought about it. Was I being to rash? Did I need to think about it? And what if I broke the contract. I looked at him and decided I didn't wanna know. I signed the paper and handed him back the pen with out saying a word. He smiled "thanks. Now first order of business, you need a fake name"
"A fake name?"
"Yeh. For the guys to ask for you but keep your identity a secret"
"Oh. I dont know any names" I shrugged.
He looked over to me "how about Molly?" He suggested
"Hmm.. no"
"Mary, sienna, violet?"
"Ooo I like violet?"
"Okay, welcome miss violet, I look forward to working with you"

And that's how I ended up here. I've been here for a few weeks now, I get along with everyone and I'm the youngest by far, I will admit one thing that's better about working here instead of the cafe is not having to get up so early and be on my feet all day.

I only had one client tonight so I had the whole day to myself. I have to admit I don't really know what to do with most of my days. I write in my journal a lot. I spend a lot of time with some of the other workers. I met a guy Named Mike last week, he works here and just came back from visiting his parents. He's a few years older then me and really nice. He took me out for lunch and mentored me and taught me lots of stuff about how to be safe in this kind of work.

I still had some time before my client got here, I decided to stand outside and get some fresh air. I was on the top floor so I got a nice view of.. the ugly motels.
I stepped outside and the cold winter breeze hit my skin like a knife. It was cold. I wrapped my jacket around me tighter and stuffed my hands in my pocket.
I leaned on the railing outside my door stopping me from falling off. I counted all the red cars that drove past, I decided what name suited every dog that walked past. And I watched people come and go from the motel.
I sighed. Nothing interesting. I looked down and noticed a lady having trouble getting into her room. She was patting herself down and seemed annoyed. Must have lost her key. I watched her as she turned around and started walking away. She looked familiar.. the blue button up coat. Short wavy black hair.. it couldn't be. Demi? I didn't take my eyes off her as I ran down the stairs. I ran down so fast practically flying. I stood at the door where I saw the women. Breathing heavy, I frantically looked around. She was gone. I balled my fists and hit myself in the head. I was going crazy! What would Demi be doing here? I can't believe I thought for even a second "Violet. What are you doing? Your client will be here any minute. Get up to meet him, he rented room 209" Mars ordered as I ran back up the stairs "yes sir sorry" I felt a bit sick as I ran up the stairs and I wasn't able to focus or do my job good. I just hoped the client didn't complain otherwise I'd b in serious trouble.

I went back to my room and jumped straight in the shower. I let the hot water run over me as I sat on the ground and hugged my knees to my chest. This isn't the life I wanted for myself. I wanted to be with Casey and Rebecca, I wonder how their doing and I wonder if they miss me. Probably not, not after what I did.
It didn't matter whether or not I liked it here, I was stuck here for a year. When I asked Mike what would happen if I broke the contract he said the last person that broke it ended up completely broke and homeless. Not as scary as I thought since I was only minutes away from it myself, but I have a feeling he wasn't telling me the whole truth.

Knock knock

"Come in" I sighed wrapping my hair in a towel. "Everything go well?" I turned around and it was Mars. He usually comes by once a day to collect his money and check on me "yeah. Here" I said walking over and handing him a crisp bill. He took it and thanked me putting it in his pocket. "You don't have any clients tomorrow do you?" He asked still standing at the door "no I don't, I wanted the day off" I responded focusing on drying my hair. "Well. I have a guy willing to pay triple for you, tomorrow around lunch time" he said
"What? Why? Why doesn't he just wait till I'm working" I asked surprised "he said he has some sort of interview around here tomorrow just after lunch. So he wants to relieve some stress and feel confident" he shrugged
"Ppffttt.. try getting a girlfriend" I muttered under my breath which scored me with chuckle from Mars. "Anyway I'll leave you to it, tomorrow at 12" His names Adam, room 108 on the bottom floor" Mars said before leaving and closing the door behind him "okay!" I called out behind him.

I picked up my phone.. no messages. I had changed my number and updated my phone to a newer one since I had the money. I decided it was best and it would be easier for me to get over people from the past if they weren't messaging me and I didn't have their number so I wasn't tempted to contact them either.

Demi's camp getawayWhere stories live. Discover now