Chapter 39

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A second chance pt2

Demis POV
It was almost 5pm which means I was able to check out of this stinky motel and head to a nicer one.

I grabbed my bag and started heading to the car. I could not get out of here fast enough.

I was walking to my car and noticed a young girl crouched down, it sounded like she was crying. Her back was turned to me so I couldn't be sure, I needed to go over and check on her before I left.

I didn't want to give her a fright so I tried to stay quiet while I thought about what I was going to say but as I was getting closer something was so familiar, I kept listening to the sounds of her sobs and when I was standing behind her.. I knew.

"Hayley?" I thought out loud. My mind completely stopped and I had only one thing on my mind. Is this really her? I anxiously watched her slowly get up and turn around. She looked up and our eyes met, her eyes were red and her cheeks were stained with tears, she looked pale and had somehow lost even more weight and her hair was short.

"Demi?" She said closing her eyes tight to stop the tears. My heart melted, hearing her voice made me feel so calm. I ran up to her trying not to cry "oh my god your safe!" I pulled her into a tight hug I didn't want to let go but I had to, I didn't want to smother her. I pulled away but held her "is this real?" She smiled wiping a tear from her cheek. I smiled so widely "yes baby it is! I haven't stopped looking for you" I said tucking some fallen hair behind her ear so I could just look at her face, the Face I had thought about everyday for the last month, that I thought I'd never see again.
"What are you doing here?" She asked shocked. I felt a little bit hurt, like she was mad I was here. "the police said you'd most likely be down this area so I've stayed here to be close to you, because I knew we'd find you. I've been so worried" I cried and pulled her in for another squeeze "I'm taking you home baby, your safe now and I'm never letting you go again"
I said stroking her cheek. I still thought I'd wake up any minute now.

"Violet! I'm waiting, I don't have all day!" I looked up to see where the angry voice was coming from. It was a man probably in his mid 40s yelling at someone and he didn't sound happy. "I'll be right there!" Hayley called out to him. Umm what the hell. Who is he and why is he calling her violet? I looked over at her confused "uh whose that? Whose violet?" I asked
"um, that's Mars. He.. uh, runs the motel, and I told him my name was violet" she answered awkwardly. She was not telling me the whole truth.
"What does he want?" I asked worried.
"Uh, he's money?
"Money? What money?
"For the motel room, this is where I have been staying"
"Oh okay. Well I'll take care of that, you pack your things and we'll get out of here" I said. I wondered how she had money to pay for a motel but I didn't think now was a good time to ask.
Hayley looked at me with her beautiful blue eyes and I saw a slight smile, but then it quickly disappeared "I can't leave Demi" she sighed looking away.
Those 4 words crushed me, I felt my eyes sting. She was worried everyone was mad at her and she had to live like this
"but baby you can. Everything is okay. No one is mad at you. We care about you and want you to be safe"
"No Demi you don't understand"
"Tell me what's going on" I was trying to be calm but I felt so emotional.
"You better be up here in the next 2 minutes if you know what's good for you" I looked to see the man shouting again. Who is this guy screaming at a little girl like that. I was mad. I looked at Hayley who looked nervous. "Stay here. Please" she begged and then took off running up the stairs.

There was no way I was going to stay here while Hayley went up there by herself to that aggressive man, I just found her I'm not letting her out of my sight. I quickly followed behind her and listened in on their conversation
"Alright good job, he said he left happy" the man said. Good job? Who left where happy? I have to suss this guy out, I was worried about Hayley. Not that that hasn't already been the case for the last month.
"What's going on here?" I said sternly while walking up to them.
The man gave me a funny look. "Who is this Violet?" He said smug. I looked over to Hayley but she looked really uncomfortable.
"Uh..she" she started but her voice was shaky "I'm Demi. And you can check her out of her room because I'm taking her home now" I said stern, but the man just looked at me and smiled like I'd said something funny "she can't go anywhere, we have a contract" the man said. What? That made no sense "motels don't have contracts" I said confused "no, but jobs do" he responded. I was totally confused.

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