Chapter 19

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Taking out the trash

"Found it!" Maddie yelled running over to a yellow flag with the camps logo on it. "Nice!" Jess smiled High fiving her. "Okay so next we need... a photo of a Fox?"
Tyler said reading off the clipboard "great! Noah stand still and smile for the photo" Ava teased. Noah shot her a dirty look and I watched the boys try not to laugh out loud. I tried to think about how I could change the topic before an argument broke out "Anyone want a smoke?" I nervously suggested "I'm down" Joel said grabbing one out of he's pocket "not here" I warned "The other kids will see when they get here" Maddie said "oh right" he said face palming. "Let's go over there" Noah said pointing to a shed. "That's weird, I wonder what they keep in there" Ryan said as we walked over, I tried to open the door to go in but it was jammed "it's jammed" I signed "out the way baby" Noah said pulling me to the side. He grabbed the door and started to move it but it made a loud noise. We all froze, "do you think anyone heard that?" Maddie said worried, we all looked around "I think we're good" I said looking back at Noah. "I'm gonna wait out here, I'm not gonna be trapped in there with the smell of smoke" Jess exclaimed "yeh I'll wait out here too, I don't wanna breathe in second hand smoke" Maddie added "okay, you guys can be our look out" Tyler said as we squeezed through the small opening of the shed. I lit my smoke and passed the lighter around, when I turned to lean on Noah I saw he wasn't standing next to me anymore, "Noah?" I whispered squinting my eyes, it was really dark in here. "I'm down here" he replied. I looked down to see him inspecting something on the ground, I turned my phones flash light on to see it was a rope. "Why are you looking at that?" Ryan asked watching Noah reel it in and flipping it over he's shoulder, "hey you can't just take that" Jess spat "no one will know, we might need it, who knows" Noah roared. I gave him a questionable look, he was obviously planning something.. "guys! Someone's coming!" I heard Maddie yell loud enough for us to hear. We quickly stepped on our smokes and ran out the shed and continued the scavenger hunt, I let everyone walk a little bit ahead and pulled Noah back "what is that actually for?" I asked him pointing to the Rope. He looked at me and gave me a sickly smile and said "when Matt and Demi announce the scavenger hunt winners... I'm gonna drop something really heavy. On Demi." He smiled. I stood there staring at him in complete shock "what?!" I couldn't stop myself from yelling out, "shhhh!!" Noah put he's fingers over his mouth and checked around us to make sure no one heard "isn't that a bit much? Why can't you just leave her alone?" I asked. I notice Noah giving me a dirty look "because of her I spent over a year in rehab! She ruined my life" he looked down at me "your not getting cold feet are you?" He asked "no! I just-" "because what about what she did to you? Have you forgotten?" He said. I thought about what he said and decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Guys! I think we're in the top for sure!" Ava said as we walked up to the lake, "yeh look at all the canoes still on this side! Looks like no one's been here yet!" Maddie pointed out "okay let's keep being quick!" I yelled kind of excited "what's next?" I asked turning to Joel "okay, our next task is to designate 2 people from our team to Canoe to the other side of the lake where the forest is and makeshift a raft big and strong enough to safely get you're team across the lake when they meet up with you" Joel read "meet up with you?" Tyler said looking at the paper. I grabbed the instructions from Joel "yeah, I think we have to split up. We're almost finished! It's saying that 2 people from our group go start to make a raft and we finish the rest of the list which will lead us to the other side of the lake where we meet up to help finish the raft and then-" I was saying before Maddie interrupted me "look!" She pointed "their setting up the finish line" we all looked over to see Cyrus and Matt setting up a ribbon then behind us to see other groups starting to catch up. "Quick whose going?" I asked quickly "I'll go" Joel said starting to jump in the canoe "I'll go to" Noah said getting in as well. "Oh I'm-" Joel started "just shut up let's go win this thing" Noah spat. Joel gave me a nervous look and I smiled at him giving him a 'it'll be fine' look "you guys better be finished by the time we get there, I'm not helping dig through sticks to build a raft" Jess said "you mean you guys better get there not long after we have finished" Joel smiled "your on" Ava laughed "racing against our own team, love it" Ryan laughed "okay let's go!" I yelled starting to head where we needed to go.
"Okay for the next bit we need to go to the high ropes!" Tyler said pointing in the direction. I stopped and turned around to watch as the boys paddled off when I noticed the team behind us.. Abigail's team. I watched her get into the canoe and start paddling in the same direction as the boys. Great I thought to myself then ran off to catch up with everyone else.

Demi's camp getawayWhere stories live. Discover now