Chapter 38

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A second chance

Hayley's POV
My knees were rapidly hitting the bottom of my desk as I was bouncing my leg anxiously, writing in my journal trying to pass time while I waited for my 12pm client. I would have assumed it was one of my regulars asking and offering me 3 times the amount to see me, but Mars said his name was Adam and I've never had an Adam before. Maybe someone recommended me to him. I always get a little nervous before seeing a client.

I had already written in most of my journal, it was at least half full and I've barely had it a month. I spend most of my free time writing and drawing in it until my hand feels like it's going to fall off. I try to keep to myself mostly, I don't want to cause trouble or hurt anyone else. I read over what I'd written then leaned back in my seat and took a deep breath. I looked around my room and decided it needed a clean. I slowly got up and stretched my legs. I had gotten some fairy lights and put them behind my bed just like at the apartment and I'd tried to make it as cozy as possible, but it was a dump. It was just a cheap motel room.

Beep beep

Text from Mars

I opened my phone and read the text. Mars was letting me know that Adam was running early and to start heading over to the room now. I sighed and put my shoes on before heading out the door, I skipped down the stairs to the bottom floor.

I was standing in front of room 109 where Adam was expecting me. I glanced over to my left, two doors down. Where I had seen the women I'd mistaken for Demi, I shook my head and sighed "idiot" I mumbled to myself as I opened the door and headed into the room.

"Well hello there young miss!" I was greeted. I jumped back and raised my hand to my chest "oh, hello! Sorry I wasn't expecting you to be here yet. You startled me" I said trying to regain my confidence. "I'm sorry, I thought I messaged Mars that I was running early. He's a good friend of mine you know" he said. "Oh he did! Just wasn't sure how early" I responded. I slowly walked up to him with a cheeky smile on my face, I raised my hand to his shoulder and he put his hands on around my waist. I looked up to meet his eyes. He had bright green eyes and brown hair, he looked like he was in his 40s. He was wearing a Rolex watch and was dressed very neat compared to all the other guys I saw. "Shall we get started?" He said in a very charming voice then pressed a button on his phone which was connected to a speaker that started playing what sounded like classical music. Weirdo. I smiled at him and pretended to be into it. I leaned in to kiss him but he stopped me. "No kissing. I can't form attachments" he said seductively. I nodded my head and made my way down to his waist band and started unbuttoning his pants.


About 40 minutes had past and I was out of breath. We both threw ourselves on the bed. "Thank you for that" he whispered rolling over onto his side to look at me. I smiled and gave him a fake giggle.
I stayed laying on the bed as he got up and started dressing himself. I must say, he didn't look half bad as he was buttoning up his dress shirt with his toned abs and neatly trimmed stubble. "So. Where are you off to now?" I asked trying to fill the silence.
"Ah just business" he replied bluntly. He picked up his jacket and there was a small thud on the floor "oh I'll grab that for you" I said running over to pick up what had fallen out of the pocket. It was his wallet. I bent down to pick it up, it was one of those folded wallets and it had fallen face open. As I got a closer look I noticed a picture in the wallet, I curiously inspected the picture to see a very familiar face.. green eyes, wavy brown hair.. rich.

The picture in the wallet was Noah.

Was Adam... Noah's father? I looked up at Adam. I don't know how I didn't notice it before.
They could be twins. Besides the age difference "Everything okay?" Adam asked adjusting his sleeves. I tried to hide the panic in my voice "Oh um. Yep! Here you go sir" I said handing him back his wallet. "Thank you" he grinned "so.. Mars mentioned you had requested me specifically" I said nervously. "Yup, he was right" Adam smiled. I nodded my head while still looking at the wallet in his hands. "Do you know who I am?" I asked cautiously while also taking note of where the panic button in the room was. He took a minute before he responded "why, your violet" he smiled convincingly. I took another deep breath. "But.. do you know who I really am?" I asked starting to get a lump in my throat. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me. He smiled. He reached into his wallet and pulled out some money and slammed it on the desk. "Keep the change" he smiled before walking out the door. "Wait!" I called out running after him.
I needed answers.  I looked down and realised I was still naked. I scrambled around to the other side of the bed and struggled to get into my tight jeans and cropped tight shirt. I didn't even bother putting my underwear on I needed to follow him quick! I ran outside still barefoot. I stood in the car park panting, I felt the world spinning around me as I looked everywhere for him. He was gone.

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