Chapter 17

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Sorry not sorry

Hayley's POV
We were all gathered around in the lobby waiting for Demi to get back so her and Nick can talk to us. There was an incident at the zip line. "That was insane I'm so glad everyone is safe" Joel said "bro I thought for sure he was done for, there was no way he was surviving that drop, thank god Bruno got him and the zip line jammed not to far from the deck" Tyler added. I was honestly over hearing and talking about it. It was just starting to get repetitive. "Whose coming out with me for a smoke?" I asked quietly getting up. "Me for sure!" Tyler yelled "shhhhh!" Ava screamed at him. "Keep it down, we'll sneak out the back" Joel said. I quickly scanned the room to make sure it was a good time to quickly slip out. "Let's go" I whispered. Once we were out we ran to our usual spot where Ryan already was, having a smoke. "Hey, we were wondering where you were. Whyd you come here by yourself?" Ava asked "guys.." he said with a serious look on he's face while we all eagerly waited for him to continue talking. "I saw that guy, Noah, the guy Hayley's been hanging out with hand Bruno an envelope before everyone showed up" Ryan said seriously. "What? How did you see? What was in it?" Tyler asked "I don't know what was in it, but I got there before everyone else to have a smoke and I'm telling you I saw Noah handing him an envelope" Ryan repeated
"Are you saying.. it wasn't an accident?" Ava asked shocked.
"I'm not saying or accusing anyone of anything. It's just.. very suspicious is all" Ryan said throwing he's hands up
"But why would anyone want to hurt Micheal? He's the sweetest guy" I asked. "Do you think there was money in the envelope?" Joel asked. "What should we do? Do we tell someone?" Tyler added. I thought back to the event, I tried to remember everything I saw around the time of the incident. Bruno putting Demi in her harness, she got distracted by her phone... a lighter? The lighter I remember a lighter, Demi left to take a phone call, and he wouldn't let anyone else on until Demi had her turn.. he got awkward and nervous.. why would?... oh no.. there's no way.. was Bruno trying to hurt Demi? Why would he do that, unless.. no. It made sense. Bruno was only trying to sabotage Demi because Noah must have bribed him! "No!" I shouted making everyone quiet and turn their attention to me. "No. I think I know what happened" I said quietly not wanting to admit the truth. I can't. It'll get Noah in trouble, I can't let that happen. But then if I don't say something Demi could be in danger. I was so torn with mixed emotions I didn't know what to do. What have I gotten myself into, this was all so complicated. Everyone was staring at me waiting for me to say something, I opened my mouth to talk when a hand covered my eyes. "Guess who?" Someone sang behind me covering my eyes. It was obviously Noah. I could recognise he's voice anywhere. "Noah?" I laughed turning around to see him standing there. I looked over at the boys who were awkwardly standing there not making eye contact, there was tension in the air and everyone seemed really uncomfortable. Except Ava who was practically drooling. "What are you doing how did you know I was here?" I asked "I'll always find you my little sugar plum" he smiled and I cringed at the name, sugar plum? Yuck. He gave me a tight hug which made me wince in pain "ouch!" I cried jolting away from him "whoa what happened?" He asked holding he's hands out "are you okay?" Joel said taking a step towards me, everyone looked at me concerned "yeh no, I'm fine. Demi and I almost got in an accident this morning and I took a bit of a hit to the chest but a doctor checked me out and I'm okay!" I assured everyone, even though the doctor didn't actually check it out, but I was still there so it kinda counts. "Let me see" Joel said in soft voice walking over to me, I started to unzip my jacket when Noah suddenly shoved Joel to the ground "Noah!" I yelled "hey what the hell man?" Ryan yelled giving Joel a hand off the ground "don't touch my girl" he yelled sternly pointing at Joel "she's our friend and we care about her too" Tyler stood up to Noah. "Yeah well stop!" Noah yelled at all of them pointing he's finger. I looked over at Ava to see her staring with her mouth open in complete shock. She was giving me a 'are you serious?' Look. I know I should have said something and stood up for my friends and they just cared but I honestly was to stunned to speak and I didn't know how to react. Everyone was standing in silence not sure what to do. Noah grabbed my arm "let's go" Noah growled pulling me with him "ow! Noah your hurting me" I cried, I turned around to see everyone staring at us but not daring to say anything else.

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