Chapter 13

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Building forts and relationships

Hayleys POV
"We're running late get your jackets on and hurry to the main lobby!" Nick shouted.

I was scurrying around in my room Nick was hurrying everyone to get to the main lobby, Demi was already there waiting for everyone. I was having trouble finding my phone, I didn't want to leave without it, what if Casey or Rebecca tried too call me?

*knock knock*

"come in!" I called out looking under a pile of Avas clothes, she was so untidy "hey Hayley everyones at the lobby what's keeping you?" Nick asked, "I can't find my phone anywhere I think I lost it" I cried, he walked in and started helping me look "where was the last place you saw it?" he asked. I thought about it for a minute.. where did I have it last? "um on my bed I guess" I answered looking over to see Nick was already looking on my bed "nope, its not here kiddio" he said. I sighed, that phone was the nicest thing I have ever owned. It was a cheap second hand silver iPhone 6 plus with some scratches on the back. "hey I promise after fort building we will look for it and if its not found we will gather everyone up to look for it tomorrow and see if anyone knows anything. ok?" he tried to comfort me. I nodded, "ok I'm sorry thats the best I can do right now" Nick said holding the door open for me.

Nick and I headed to the lobby together. He was a really nice guy but I was uncomfortable being alone with a man I didn't know very well, I folded my arms and felt small walking next to him, I felt scared, I needed Demi.

flashback after coming home from school I always got a head start on any homework, my only friend from school gave me some hello kitty stickers I wanted to decorate my wall with. I sat on my bed and started doing some math worksheets, when someone slammed my door open so fast and loud I sat up in shock. "hey little lady" he hiccuped. I wasn't sure what he's name was, I had seen him over before with my dad yelling at the tv over a football match. "um hi" I replied shy "your mum and dad are out for the night so im taking care of you" he said "oh." I hadn't even noticed my parents weren't home. he left my room and I started putting some hello kitty stickers on my wall. I smiled, I loved them. "she's in there" I heard someone whisper. I sat up and tried to eavesdrop on the conversation. I didn't know there was more people over. "how much?" a different voice said "$300" he said "is she a virgin?" "nah but she's 7 so its pretty fresh"

I wasn't sure what was going on so I went back to my stickers when 2 men I'd never seen before walked in and smiled at me "who are you?" my voice asked shaky, they laughed and told me to take my clothes off. i refused which was a mistake one of them picked me up and threw me on the bed so hard I had trouble breathing. I started kicking and screaming I didn't like what they were doing.

end of flashback

we reached the main lobby and I didn't even realise I was completely out of it until I saw the bright lights and loud noises coming from the room. "welcome everyone! I know today wasn't a typical day but we still had fun didn't we?" Matt shouted lifting he's arm to he's ear waiting for our response "I had fun!" someone called out "me too" everyone agreed "wonderful to hear, so now what you have all been waiting for we are having a fort building contest! so here's how it is going to work" matt started to explain the rules I was actually trying to pay attention but Noah walked up to me, I paid him no attention. he tapped me on the shoulder and I ignored him. "hey Hayles after Demi spoke to me earlier today I came back and you were gone but I found this" he whispered holding out my phone, I gasped and snatched it off him. "geez your welcome" he chuckled. "hey what's wrong?" he asked "leave me alone" I wanted to shout. "did I do something?" he asked. I thought about what I was going to say to him, I guess he hadn't really done anything wrong, I mean he was being nice to me, its not his fault he's got a girlfriend. I signed and responded "no, no you didn't, i'm sorry, thank you for returning my phone.. its just that your girlfriend-" "whoa whoa. girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend" he said surprised. "what? you don't?" I asked confused "but a girl earlier came up to me and told me you were dating?" I said "hmm what did she look like?" he asked "she had short thin blonde hair and hazel eyes and she's wearing a red champion hoodie" I said "ugh! no thats my ex, Abigail. she's a little crazy. im sorry about her, I promise I do not have a girlfriend" he reassured me "your ex?" I asked "well I guess but we dated for like 2 weeks I think 3 years ago at camp and she just won't leave me alone" he laughed, I laughed too.

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