chapter 29

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Hayley's POV

It'd been a traumatic day, but it was over now. I was sitting in the car waiting for Demi, we were at the police  station but they wanted to speak to Demi alone so I'm just waiting for her to come out then I'm not really sure what happens next.
I was sitting in the car for quite some time before Demi finally came out. I admired her as she walked towards the car, even with her puffy red eyes from crying and just overall looking a hot mess from the days event, she was still the most beautiful women I had ever seen. "are you okay?" I asked quietly after she hopped in the car. She took a deep breath then turned to me. "I am now" she smiled "what did they need to talk to you about?"  she paused before responding "um" she sighed "lets talk about it when we get back" she mumbled. I didn't respond, that had annoyed me. I looked out the car window, it was dark out and the roads were empty, it was late. I was watching the rain drip down on the outside of the car window "so... are you.. okay? I mean I know its a stupid question but, how are you feeling knowing that your dad-" she stopped. I waited for her to try and finish but it looked like she was struggling. "its okay Demi" I sighed "I mean, honestly. I think a part of me knew it wasn't really him. but I wanted to believe it was. I think.. I think I'm more glad it wasn't him.. because that would have hurt more" I finished "that's very insightful, I'm proud of you baby" she smiled putting her hand on my leg, I smiled back. It was silent for a while and I knew that its because we were both thinking.

"what happens now?" I asked as we pulled back into camp. Demi took a deep breath and looked out the window. I saw her wiping away tears in the reflection then she turned to me with watery eyes. "you need to make a choice, the police suggested you go home-" "what why?!" I interrupted "they are concerned for your well-being, they suggest that and therapy" she said. I looked at her with my jaw dropped. How could she? After everything we went through. She was going to let me go again just like that. I didn't say anything. I turned and opened the car door then slammed it shut storming off to my room. "Hayley wait" Demi called out but I ignored her and kept walking. I walked past the main lobby and saw everyone inside, in their pjs, drinking hot chocolate and watching a movie. Why couldn't I have that life? Why couldn't I be normal? I wiped away a tear and headed to my room. I marched over to my bed and opened my side table and pulled out my phone. It was flat. I plugged it in and waited for it to turn on. While I was waiting I heard voices in the hallway. It was Demi, Nick and Matt. They sounded so happy to see her and relieved she was okay, but they probably didn't feel the same way about me. I got up and quickly locked the door knowing Demi would most likely be making her way to my room at anytime. I looked around at the room. Ava's bed was unmade and messy, but of course Maddie's was neat and tidy. I smiled to myself. I'll miss this place. I'll miss the friends I made. I don't want it to end. I don't know what my future is like right now. My phone lit up and 100 notifications popped up. A bunch from Demi which I scrolled through and ignored, but wait, I didn't recognise this number? There was a voice message left from the number. I clicked into it and raised the phone to my ear to listen.

"Hey Hayley! It's Rebecca and Casey! We miss you we are so sorry we haven't called. We have been busy with some exciting stuff we can't wait to tell you about. This is our number we were able to buy a phone with the money we got from work! So please call us back on this number whenever you get the chance! Miss you!"

It was Rebecca and Casey! I felt a little bit emotional. I missed them and was over the moon to hear from them, I immediately dialled the number and called, the phone only rang a couple times before they picked up
"Hello?!" An excited Casey answered.
"Casey!" I cried "omg it is you. Rebecca! It's hayley!"
I giggled
"Girl where have you been?"
"It's a long story"
"Well, we wanna hear all about it, but first. The old couple left a week ago to visit some family and their on the way back in a couple days and they can pick you up on the way back!"
"Oh wow. But I still have about 2 weeks left of camp"
"Yeh but it's fine"
"If I leave beforehand then the people here will report me missing, and people will come looking for me"
"They wouldn't find you"
I thought about what Demi had said to me. She said she would always find me, she cared about me. But at the same time, she wants to send me back to the orphanage. I was so conflicted. Do I leave early and never see Demi again? Or stay and possibly end up at the orphanage anyway? It felt like my only choice was to go.

Knock knock

"Hayley, it's Demi. We need to finish talking" I heard Demi's voice from outside the door.

"Oh guys, I am so sorry i have to go. I promise I'll call you back in the morning"
"Oh okay, please don't forget! Bye we miss you"
"Bye!" I said then hung up.

I put my phone away and went over to unlock the door. "What?" I said crossing my arms then walking over to my bed to sit down. Demi walked in and sat next to me on the bed. She took a deep breath and looked at me. "Hunny. You didn't let me finish, the police are suggesting that you go home and start going to therapy... but I told them you'll get the best care here, you have amazing friends. I care about you and I promise to be there for you more and listen to you. I told them camp is the best place for you to be right now. With your friends, me and all the activities keeping you distracted. So they agreed. You can stay, but on one condition. A therapist will come every 3 days and you have to engage with them" she finished.
I thought about what she had said. I wasn't happy about it. The fact that other people think they can decide what's best for me. I started getting angry and I felt myself heating up. I was about to start yelling but i looked into Demis big beautiful brown eyes. She cared about me. That's why she's doing this, she doesn't want me to leave, she fought for me. I can't leave her again. I felt myself relax and I started to calm down. "Okay. I'll see a therapist. But for how long?" I said. Demi's face lit up and she reached over and pulled me in a tight hug. "I'm so glad your going to stay" she cried, I pulled away. I will admit it felt so heartwarming and I was happy to know how she felt and that she didn't want me to leave, but I wanted to stay stern. I was still unhappy. "How long Demi?" I asked again "just until the therapist thinks your okay to only do weekly sessions." She said
"But what about after camp?" I said. Demi looked down at her feet and looked a little uncomfortable with my question. "Demi?" I spoke gently. "Sorry Hunny, we... we'll cross that bridge when we get there. Okay?" She said. "Fine" I said. "But what about you?" I asked, I looked to see Demi looking a bit confused "what about me?" She asked. "Don't you need to see someone? It was scary for you too" "I'm okay-" "no your not okay. And you should speak to someone as well, i won't if you don't" I said sternly. She gave me a small smile and agreed "I'll speak to someone if it makes you feel better" she said. I smiled to myself. "Can you leave now? I want to go to sleep" I said getting under the covers. "How about you sleep with me tonight?" Demi hesitated. I looked at her a little bit surprised. "Really?" I asked "I think it would be good if I could keep an eye on you tonight" she said. "Okay. But can we be quick. I really don't want to run into any of my friends tonight. I'm to tired" I yawned. "Yes, quickly brush your teeth and we'll go to my room" she said. I quickly jumped up and ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth while Demi grabbed my pjs for me. I was watching myself in the mirror while I brushed when I saw something on the shower floor in the reflection. It was a razor. I stopped brushing my teeth and slowly walked over to it. Do I need it? I opened the shower door and was about to reach over to grab it but I stopped myself. I don't need it, but what if I end up needing it. It was like a battle with myself. "Come on Hayley, Nick just texted me everyone's on their way ba-" Demi said walking into the bathroom then stopped when she saw what I was reaching for "Hayley" she sighed. I looked at her then back at the razor. "I- I- wasn't going to take it. Honest" "then what were you doing?" She asked. "Um" I didn't say anything. Demi sighed. "Do you have anything?" "No I don't" I promised. I wasn't sure if she was going to believe me but I guess she did. "Come on let's go" she said waiting for me to leave the bathroom first then following me out afterwards.

We got to Demi's room and I immediately jumped into bed. The last 2 nights were horrible. I was so happy to be in a comfy bed, safe, and back with Demi.  "Hang on not so fast" Demi chuckled. I sat up and looked at her. "Your hair hasn't been brushed for 3 days. Come here" she smiled lovingly at me and I quickly got up to stand in front of her, I turned around for her to brush my hair when she sighed quietly. "I know the last few days were really hard for both of us, and it was a long day at the police station, but we will always have each other and we'll get through it"

Demi's camp getawayWhere stories live. Discover now