Chapter 4

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The first day

"Hayley....Hayley?....Hayley!!" Someone screamed

"What?!" I woke up gasping for air
"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you" Maddie chuckled
"Why the hell are you screaming my name, I'm trying to sleep" i yawned
"Yeah and it's time to wake up, we have to meet for breakfast at 8am, its 7:58am" Maddie exclaimed

I sat up and had a stretch. I looked around and couldn't see anyone else
"Where are the other girls?" I asked
"Umm where everyone else is, at the main lobby, we are going to be late" maddie replied

"Ok ok I'm getting up"

"Are you gonna get dressed?" Maddie asked

"No?" I looked down at my over sized black jumper and brown ugg boots, i had my hair up in a messy bun, then i looked at Maddie, she had her hair done and was wearing light makeup and a pink wooly top with a pair of black leggings topped off with a denim jacket and white canvases. "I look fine" i shrugged.

"..ok just walk in after me, no offence" Maddie laughed

I quickly made my bed and followed Maddie to the main lobby.

"How did you sleep?" Maddie asked me

I didn't really get much sleep, I don't know what it was. I replayed my run in with Demi in the bathroom last night over and over in my head, imagining different scenarios, it kept me up most of the night.
"Fine" I replied bluntly. We reached the diner in the main lobby and we were a few minutes late but everyone was still settling in their seats so no one noticed us coming in late.

"There they are" Maddie said pointing to Ava and Jess across the room at a table. We took a seat next to them
"Oh my, you made it" Ava laughed
"You slept through Matt walking the hallways with bagpipes! At 7am to wake us up! You must have been tired"  she finished

"Oh my gosh, really?" I said in disbelief "..was he good?"

Everyone laughed

I had a look at the tables we were all sitting at, they were set up with 3 different types of juice, Toast,  spreads, fruit, mini cereal boxes and waffles. Wow, someone went through a lot of effort, this is WAY better then the orphanage and theres like triple the kids here

After breakfast it was time for activities!
"What do you guys think we are going to be doing first?" Maddie said excited

"I hope we aren't camping" Jess moaned "I HATE camping"

"What? What do you mean? We are at camp?" Maddie asked taking a bit of toast
"Yeah but one of the activities is taking a hike and pitching a tent somewhere for the night, like actual outdoor camping" Jess said

"Ugh" i put my head on the table

"Hey how did everyone sleep!?" Matt asked getting everyones attention after breakfast

There was a mixture of some people saying good and some saying bad

"Well.. hopefully when I ask again in a few days a get a happier reply... anyway! I hope you all enjoyed breakfast. Its time for our first activity!"

"YYYAAAAYYY" everyone cheered

"Okay so. Everyone go back to your group lobby and your camp leaders will meet you there and take you to your activities, you will notice a roster on the notice board and it will have all your activities and the food menu for the week! Have fun everybody and we will meet back here for dinner, you will have lunch in your groups today." Matt finished

Everyone was so excited it was so loud I couldn't hear a thing Maddie was trying to talk to me, i decided just to stay at the table and wait for everyone else to leave so I don't get caught in the crowd.

Demi's camp getawayWhere stories live. Discover now