Chapter 24

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Like I'm made of paper

A week had passed since Maddie's accident. I was never able to get back in touch with Nathan but I guess it doesn't matter. We showed Maddie photos and told her stories and tried to help her relive the amazing time we had the night she lost her memory. She loved hearing about it and we loved talking about it.

"Good morning girls, just checking how are you Maddie?" Demi smiled peaking her head in our room.  "I'm feeling so much better today. I'm totally up for the high ropes course" she smiled "wonderful! Glad you'll be able to start joining us again. I'll see you girls at breakfast" she said before closing the door. I have to admit I've been a little bit jealous of the attention Maddie has been getting from Demi, I've noticed kirra keeping her distance from me and Demi. I think it has something to do with the Nathan situation.

At breakfast we met up with the boys like we do every morning. "How are you feeling Maddie?" Tyler asked "pretty good actually!" She responded. Everyone talked and ate while I sat there poking at my eggs. Joel noticed me keeping to myself but I think he decided not to ask about it, which I was thankful for. After breakfast everyone started clearing out of the main lobby I waited an extra few minutes before getting up like I usually did  because I didn't want to get stuck in the crowd. "Hey Hayley" Demi said pulling out a chair next to me taking a seat. "Hey" I said looking at my hands "is something wrong?" She tucked a piece of hair behind my ears "your earrings look beautiful" she smiled. I looked up and gave her a small smile "thanks"  I got up and started walking to our lobby to get ready for our first activity of the day. "Hold up" Demi said catching up and walking next to me "let's walk together" she said "okay" I mumbled. "Is there something on your mind?" She asked. I thought about it for a minute, there was something on my mind, there was a lot on my mind. where do I even begin? I hadn't heard from casey and Rebecca and I was starting to get worried, I was upset about Nathan, I felt neglected by everyone and was thinking about how I would never see Demi again after camp, but mostly, I've been having this weird feeling of being watched the last few days. "I'm fine" I looked up at her and smiled "okay, well you can talk to me when you're ready" Demi said kindly, knowing I was lying.

Our first activity today was the high ropes course. It was really awesome having Maddie joining the activities again. The doctor said she could be disoriented and can't risk any accidents so she's been sitting out for about a week for most of the activities but she can join again now.

we all needed to have a spotting partner on the course and I ended up with Maddie which made me a little nervous but I'll be extra careful with her. "you can go first" I smiled at Maddie, since she hadn't done anything for a while and missed out on so much. she smiled and started the course. "whoa" Maddie exclaimed, every time she lost her balance I practically grabbed her "are you okay?!" I shouted "yeh I'm holding on tight" she laughed. I kept holding my arms up ready to steady or catch her when she needed but for a second, I wasn't paying attention. I noticed something in the distance but I wasn't sure if I was seeing correctly. It looked like someone was standing there watching us, watching me. I looked around to see if anyone else was looking or noticed but everyone was going about their business and no one seemed to notice, I looked back at where the figure was, but it was gone. what? where did it go? I started looking around again nervously I felt my heart beating faster and my breathing getting heavier, then I heard a scream "ahhhhh!" "Maddie!" I cried and bent down to her "oh my gosh are you okay? I am so sorry" I cried "its okay I'm fine" Maddie laughed. Leo, who was in charge of the high ropes, and Demi ran over to see if we were okay "are you okay Maddie?" Demi asked helping her up "I am so sorry" I kept apologising profusely "its okay Hayley, I'm okay" Maddie reassured me but I didn't feel any better "Hayley, is everything okay?" Demi asked noticing something was wrong, I didn't say anything. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and I was nervously playing with my hands and looking around. "Hayley?" Demi asked again following my gaze to the trees. "Hayley what's wrong?" Maddie asked as well "um" was all I could manage to get out. "I think she needs a break" Demi said putting her hand behind my back and walking me away "no problem Nick can be Maddie's spotter and I'll keep an eye on everyone else" Leo said as we walked away.

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