Chapter 2

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A new beginning?

I guess i must have tired myself out last night because before i knew it, it was morning and Rebecca and Casey were not in their beds but they were packing their bags.
"What're you guys doing?" I asked in a very groggy voice rubbing my eyes.
They looked at me in surprise then at each other then back at me.
"Don't you remember what we were talking about last night?"  Casey said nervously walking towards me "um.." I thought for a bit then I remembered

"wait, are you guys really.. running away?" I lowered my voice. They both nodded.

"Are you guys serious??" I almost yelled, i had so many questions but before i could say anything "Look!" Rebecca started "We have it ALL planned out, see this?" she said pointing to a piece of paper "There is a café opening. Me and Casey will get jobs there and look there is a apartment a few blocks from the café and the rent is so cheap,we can build a life from there. Save up from the jobs we get, get a cheap car, go to college and bing bang boom our lives are amazing from there!" Rebecca squealed.
"This is crazy!" I said looking at casey for a reassuring look. She is usually the more mature one. But she just shrugged and said "I think its a good plan"

"But what about me? What happens when i come back from camp?!" I cried hoping they weren't ditching me, i took the piece of paper from Rebecca and looked at the address. "how are you even planning on getting there? Its 6 hours away!"  I finished

Casey laughed. "No way would we forget you!" She said putting a hand on my shoulder for comfort
"Yeah. And this is the exciting part of the plan" Rebecca said. I stared at her waiting for her to finish "see the address to the camp you are going to? Look! Its on the way! So we sneak into Amandas mini van then onto the bus that takes you to the camp. Then when we get here.." she said pointing at a map. "You have to fake a stomachache or something to make the bus stop! We will sneak off and hitchhike the 2 hours into town and we can afford a cab to the café. Then on the last day of camp when you are checked out from there we can come pick you up! Its fool proof" she finished looking proud of herself.

I stared at the map the pamphlet and at the girls "this is crazy!" I yelled "but i love it" I squealed we all gave each other hugs "our lives begin today bye bye abbots home for kids and bye bye Amanda" i said happily. "Ok get up!" Rebecca clapped "start packing" she said pointing to my cupboard.
I rushed over to my cupboard thinking how exciting this all is or should i be scared? If i knew what was in store for me i would have been both.

I packed a small duffle bag, I didn't have much. some clothes, blades, toiletries, lighter, smokes, my phone, charger, ear pods and my diary.

Casey and Rebecca walked in the room with some breakfast they had snuck out for me knowing it's probably not a good idea for me to go out.
For about half an hour, we just sat there quietly. This is it, like this is it. We are really doing this. None of us really know what to say, this has been our home for the last 7 years. A 7 years full of hell, abuse, neglect, bullying and being walked all over. Yup, I'm gonna miss it I thought to myself sarcastically. I looked over at the girls they were talking to each other in the corner of the room, I couldn't really make out what they were saying but i know they were being quiet so no body could hear them. I walked up to them, I can't help but wonder what they were thinking about our crazy plan.

"Hey guys! What are you talking about?" I asked
"We just keep going over and over and over the plan... over and over.." Casey mumbled but i could tell she wasn't nervous. "To think that last night, was our last night here. Like.. this is crazy we are really leaving" Rebecca whispered taking in the last moments of being here. I looked around to. As shit as this place is. It was still home.

All of our thoughts were interrupted by Amanda marching in the room like a trooper. "Packed your bags?" She asked looking at me
I carefully nodded trying to swallow a big lump in my throat. She walked out of the room gesturing for me to follow her. I took a deep breath and turned to look at Casey and Rebecca. They gave me a reassuring nod and i followed Amanda out of the room, casey and Rebecca followed cautiously not long after.
I put my bags in the back of the van and looked around for Casey and Rebecca. I spotted them behind the large sign with the name of the orphanage on it.

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