chapter 42

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Hayleys POV

"get out of the bathroom it's my turn!" I shouted banging my fist on the bathroom door "hold on!" whoever was taking so long in the bathroom yelled back. I stood impatiently holding my towel with my arms crossed. finally I heard the lock turn and Bree walked out. "oh, Hayley, I am so sorry, I didn't know it was you" Bree apologised "uh.."  "tomorrow you can have my bathroom time as well" she said while franticly walking away. what the heck was that about? I watched her walk off while I was completely confused but shook it off and went in the bathroom. I put my stuff down and looked up at myself in the mirror. I hated myself, I hated who I was, that's why Demi was probably so glad to get rid of me. I missed her so much it hurt, I thought about her everyday. I started to silently sob as I slid down the bathroom wall. Is this what a heartbreak feels like? I wrapped my arms around myself feeling so lonely and unlovable. I dried my eyes on my sleeves and looked at the shower shelf, Bree had left her Razor in here, I quickly got up and through blurry watery eyes inspected it, it was clean, maybe only used once. the excitement I felt having a fresh blade made me realise how sad my life was but I didn't care. I dropped the razor on the floor and stepped on it, breaking it to get the blade out. I hadn't hurt myself since I had been back, I knew this was going to feel so good. I sat at the bottom of the shower and dragged the blade across my wrist with just a little bit of pressure, then did it again and again, adding a little more pressure each time but staying completely in control. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and leaned back enjoying the stinging stiff feeling I was having in my arm, I reached up for the shower handle still sitting on the floor and watched the red blood mix with the water and become lighter as it swirled down the drain.

"hey Hayley" Taylor greeted me as I walked into our room, she was on her laptop doing some typing, must be school work "oh Hey, what's up?" I said throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry hamper "I helped Cassidy make cupcakes for dessert" Taylor smiled "ooo what kind?" I asked "gluten free, vanilla and chocolate"  "yuuum" I smiled encouraging her. "hey can I ask you something?" I said walking over to her "uh, yeh sure?" she said interested "do you know why people are acting weird around me?" I asked "like, just before in the bathroom, Bree seemed.. scared of me" I shrugged. Taylor looked down for a minute like she was thinking "well. I don't know for sure, but people heard you got Angus kicked out.. so I think people are scared of you now" she answered. I looked at her in complete shock, how can people blame me for getting Angus kicked out, it wasn't my fault and I didn't ask for him to be kicked out. "what?" I cried "its okay though... I know the truth" she said sadly. huh? how could she have known? maybe she overheard when she walked in when Cassidy was talking to me. I looked at Taylor and noticed as she was typing her sleeves lifted up and I saw marks on her wrist. "Taylor" I sighed sitting down at the end of her bed "show me your arms.." I said calmly. she looked at me and turned white, "huh, why?" she asked trying to act normal "its okay, you can trust me" I said. she folded her arms over her chest and looked away. I sighed and rolled up my sleeve, revealing my scars. my arm that I didn't just use. "I started when I was about your age, I think I was your age the first time Angus touched me" I whispered. Taylor looked at me and started crying, I hesitantly reached out and pulled her in for a hug, we stayed like that for a while until there was a knock on the door "okay girls, come and get- oh my gosh what's wrong?" Cassidy said running over and kneeling next Taylor. Cassidy looked at me and I decided I would give them some privacy so Taylor talk to Cassidy. I left quietly and closed the door behind me, I decided I'd go sit in the main room while I waited.

I walked into the room and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me, uh okay? this is uncomfortable, but it'd be weird if I just turned around and walked out. I stared at them awkwardly and walked over to the couch trying to mind my own business "why didn't you like Angus?" the same boy from the table said to me, I looked at him annoyed, already knowing where this was going "I had nothing to do with him leaving" I yelled. geez I'd literally only been sitting here for like 2 minutes. "how come he left when you came back then?" Bree asked from the corner, Bree was younger than me and Taylor. Judging by the way she was acting, I was happy to realise he defiantly hadn't touched her. I took a deep breath, I was feeling very angry and short tempered. but these kids didn't deserve to be yelled at. I closed my eyes and the first thing I thought of was Demi, of course. I felt calmer and tried to act how she would, Demi wouldn't loose her temper "what was Angus like with you guys?" I asked calmly. i watched them share weird looks "well, he wasn't that nice" one young girl said "he was bossy" the boy said. I sat and listened patiently while everyone got off their chest what they wanted to say about Angus "and right now, Cassidy is comforting Taylor who is in our room crying because of... what he did to her" I said. "you guys know that Amanda didn't care about us. Cass does. she saw Angus was a bully, and she wants us to be happy and safe. so she got rid of the bully" I said "so, you're not going to send us away?" a little girl asked "of course not, and as long as you guys are kind to each other, and always keep your hands to yourself. no one is sending you anywhere" I reassured everyone "well, unless you're going to a family" I smiled. I was so glad to have cleared that up and I even got a couple apologises. I sat back feeling really good about the way I had just handled the situation. I wish Demi could see how much I have matured and grown as a person. I learned that from her, she would be so proud of me. I guess a part of her was still with me.

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