Chapter 28

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The truth always comes out

I was holding Hayley in my arms, she was still unconscious but I was here now and I will protect her. I was crying so much, both from how relieved and happy I was to have Hayley back and also from the situation we're in. I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could use to fight or get us out of here but it was nothing but an empty room, is this where Hayley had been the last couple days? I felt awful and my heart ached, I held her closer and noticed red marks around her wrists, huh? I lifted her sleeves and noticed they went all the way around, on both hands, were these rope burns? I gently brushed my fingers over them, they were definitely rope burns, how did these happen? I gently kissed Hayley on her forehead and started to cry, while I was crying she started to stir, "hayley?" I whispered, she opened her eyes and was looking around the room then looked at me "Hayley!" I cried "oh my god, Demi!" she cried jumping into my arms, I didn't want to let go but she pulled away. "I can't believe you found me" she said wiping her tears "I will always find you, I am so sorry I didn't listen to you" I said still crying, she didn't say anything just looked down. It was silent for a bit "I didn't think you cared" she said looking at her hands. I was a bit taken a back, I was hurt to hear her say that, did she mean it? "oh hayley" I said holding her hands "I care about you so so much and I haven't stopped looking for you from the minute you ran out the door" I said, "really?" she smiled through her tears "really" I smiled back pulling her in for another hug. It was a really sweet moment but I snapped back into reality when I heard Hayley wince in pain from her rope burns when I let go of her hands. I sighed "do you know the man?" she asked "no?" I responded "he seems to know you" she said "what?" "look" she said pulling pictures out of her top and handing them to me. I took them from her and gasped, "where did u get these??" I asked feeling dizzy "the man.. he's been following us. stalking us for weeks. he has a whole room filled with more pictures like these" she explained. "don't worry. the police are on their way, but the nearest station is hours away, just hold on a little longer baby and we'll be out of here-" I started "no" hayley interrupted " what do you mean no" I asked genuinely confused, "I can't leave, he's my dad" she said quietly. My mouth dropped open, I felt myself tense up as I looked at her in shock not knowing what to say. did I hear that right "he's your dad?" I repeated. she nodded "then you definitely can't stay here!" I cried "but I am. he is the only family I have" "no baby, listen. he is an evil horrible man who has hurt you and abused you then abandoned you and now, he's kidnapped you and locked you away. he's dangerous and you don't deserve to be treated like this" I almost shouted, I know that may have been harsh but it was the truth. When Hayley started to sob I felt instantly guilty, I put a comforting hand on her shoulder, she opened her mouth to say something when we heard chains from the outside of the door and we both looked up as the man stepped in.

"so good to see you Demi" he smiled loudly "who are you?" I asked sternly standing in front of Hayley protectively. "what do you want?" I asked again because he didn't answer. He took a step towards me. "I'm just doing my job" he smirked. "your job? what job?" Hayley asked from behind me. "you'll find out" he smiled leaning towards her "now, I came in here for Hayley, she needs to learn her lesson for causing trouble" he said holding out his hand for Hayley, but as she walked towards him I pulled her back "I don't think so" I snapped standing up to him "excuse me?" he said angrily. I gave him a dirty look "that is strike one" he said dangerously. ha! does he think I'm 5? "Demi.." Hayley warned from behind me, but I wasn't going to let her get hurt anymore, not while I'm here. "Hayley get over here" he yelled. but this time hayley didn't move, I looked over to see her frozen with fear. "she's not going anywhere with you, I'm taking her home" I said grabbing her elbow and heading out the door. I expected him to try to stop us but surprisingly he let us pass with no trouble. together we ran to the front door but Hayley stopped and pulled back "what's wrong?" I asked her quickly "I can't, I want to stay with my dad" she cried "hunny" I said bending down to meet her eyes which were stained red from crying. "I understand. I know this is hard. but he is only going to hurt you" I tried to reason "I don't want to be alone" she cried. My heart broke "your not alone, you'll never be alone, I promise. I'll always be here. always" I promised her and gave her a smile, "okay, let's go" she gave me a small smile back. I got up and turned to the door to open it, but it wouldn't open. "why won't the door open!" I yelled out in frustration "that's because I bolted it shut" I turned around to see the man slowly walking towards us then looked back at the door and saw that it was in fact bolted from the top and bottom of the door. I didn't know what to do or say. I felt defeated, I wanted to drop to my knees and cry but I couldn't, I needed to stay strong for Hayley, even though I was scared, she had been through much more then I had been through.

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