Chapter 27

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Daddy issues pt2

I woke up the next morning, and it was pitch black, all the curtains were closed. I was still tied up by my hands but my legs were free, he must have untied them while I was sleeping. I tried to pull my hands free and tugged on the rope. "Ouch" I cried, I looked down at my wrists to see rope burns covering them. 

"Good morning, I heard you were up" my dad said stepping into the room with a mug in his hand. I stared at him. "Please my wrists. There bleeding, untie me" I cried. He took slow steps towards me and looked at my wrists. "But if I do that, you'll run away" he whispered tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. I closed my eyes and said "I won't" then I looked up at him "I promise" there was a moment of uncomfortable silence before he took a really deep breath "fine" he groaned. "But don't make me regret it. Because it'll be you that ends up feeling regret" he warned, I gulped and nodded my head. He pulled a pocket knife out of his pocket and cut me free. I swung my arms with joy. Oh my god I felt good I had been tied up and restrained all night I was glad to stand up and.. oh wait, I'm still here. I'm still trapped I thought looking around. I looked at my dad and my stomach started to rumble. "Let's eat" he said luring me into the kitchen, I followed him over to the kitchen while looking around and noticing how unliveable this place is.. my dad pulled the seat out for me and I took a seat. I watched him open the cabinets, they were practically empty. How can he and my mum live here?  "What do you want" he asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him, I just shrugged. "How about a sandwich, do you like peanut butter?" He asked. I looked at him puzzled. "I'm allergic to peanuts.." I said confused. My dad knew I was allergic to peanuts. "Don't you remember?" I asked. I saw a worried look on his face. "Oh yeh I knew that. Sorry kiddo, I just forgot. It's been a while. How about Vegemite?" He asked scratching his neck. Hmm that was a little weird.. I thought.

While we ate he was trying to make small talk but I wasn't interested. I picked at my food and I mostly listened to him talk. I still had so many questions I wanted to ask him but he was avoiding them so I felt no need to talk to him.

He's phone started ringing again, I sat up straight to try and read the name on the phone of who was calling but he had declined it before I could read. "Who was that?" I asked hesitantly. "Oh uh.. it was just my friend. I'll call him back later" he stuttered. I knew he  was lying. What was he trying to hide from me?  When I reached for a piece of toast off my plate my sleeves went up revealing my scars. I quickly pulled my arm back pulled my sleeve back down but it was too late, he had already seen them. I was waiting for him to say something but he didn't. "Aren't you gonna say anything?" I said looking away in shame, I looked back up at him to see he's reaction but he seemed to just be completely ignoring me while he walked over and put our dishes in the sink. I opened my mouth and was about to say something but was interrupted by my dads phone ringing again. I watched him grow frustrated very quickly. He slammed his mug down. I got a fright and stood up and started backing away, he was becoming aggressive. He picked up his phone and then looked up at me, I gulped as he stormed over to me grabbing my arm "Ow" I cried. He ignored my cries and pulled me into the room he had brought me into when I first got here, he shoved me in and closed the door as he left "wait!" I cried banging my fists on the door. I quickly stopped when I heard him talking on the phone, I listened carefully trying to hear what the phone call was about or who it was.
"Yes, I still have her.... no one followed me. I haven't.. mpfhhh" was all I heard before he must have walked away further and I could only hear muffles. He must have been talking about me but I have no clue what he meant.

About an hour had past and I was curled up on the cot, I was about to doze off but I heard the loud sound of the chains being unlocked from outside the door then it slowly opened. "Sorry about that" was all he said. "...who was it?" I asked cautiously "it was work" he replied. I didn't say anything, If it was just work why did he act like that? "Wanna come hang out with me in my photo room?" He asked. I honestly didn't want too, that room just freaked me out. but I was happy to get out of this room. I nodded my head and followed him down the hall, before he opened the door he turned to me "don't touch anything" he said sternly. I nodded my head again. We walked in and I almost choked on my own saliva when I saw new photos of Demi on the wall.. "why do you have so many photos of Demi.." I asked quietly. No reply, I took a deep breath "why did you want me to come in here" I asked sternly "so you could see this" he shouted holding a photo up in front of my face. I squinted my eyes and looked closely. It was a photo of Noah and Demi. "That's Demi, and a guy I used to date?" I asked puzzled "correct" he smiled. I looked around still confused "did you know-"

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