Chapter 11

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Star crossed lovers

Demis POV

I woke up feeling really refreshed. I'd had a really good nights sleep.I was still of course quite anxious about what had happened yesterday, but knowing the kids are safe and there are police patrolling the area, I felt a sense of comfort and a quick recovery. I got out of bed and started heading down the hall to the bathroom. It was still very early and none of the kids were up, so it was very quiet, I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with some cold water and stared at myself in the mirror and got lost in thought. I started thinking about yesterday, what would have happened to Hayley and the other kids had I not showed up? I wondered about what would happen after camp finishes, will I not see Hayley till next year? who is going to look after her? I can't never see her again. did the workers at the orphanage know she self harmed? what happened to her parents? She told me a little bit about them but not much. I splashed more cold water on my face to break me from my thoughts. maybe in time when we get close enough she will open up more to me.

I was on my way back to my room when I heard a door shutting, followed by loud talking. I was curious as to who was up this early and wanted to know what they were doing but I decided to ignore it and go back to my room. I was laying down in bed on my phone checking my social media when I started to smell smoke, I sat up quickly and tried to make sure I wasn't hallucinating, it was definitely smoke I started rushing to the door but I realised it wasn't like a fire smoke, it was the smell of tobacco. I knew it could only be coming from a few people, I tiptoed down the hall and the smell become stronger, yup. they were definitely smoking in there. it was Hayleys room. I was pretty sure she was the only girl in that room that smoked so I knew it was her, smoking was strictly not allowed at this camp but I had let a few people get away with it because I understand its an addiction, but smoking inside and in front of other kids was definitely not okay, I wasn't really sure what to do, Hayley wasn't really in a good headspace to be getting into trouble and she could definitely get into so much trouble for this, and I couldn't let that happen, also if I tell her off she might resent me and not want to talk to me or get close to me, so I decided I'd let her get away with it just this once and I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. I went around and opened up a bunch of windows to help clear the smell and hoped the smell was gone before anyone else noticed.

After breakfast everyone gathered in the main lobby because we had to address a few things including yesterday's incident. everyone settled down quickly because everyone was curious as to what Matt and the others had to stay.        "good morning everyone" Matt started in he's not so usual cheery voice "so obviously we had an incident yesterday which put 7 of our kids and 1 of our leaders at risk... even though they were still on camp property. if you see something suspicious on camp property, report it to a camp leader immediately or call the police if it is an emergency. I am aware some places do not have signal and I know it can be very easy to get lost, so we have some new rules.." Matt started going over the rules and everyone was paying attention. I looked at my feet and just waited for him to finish, I knew it is necessary for him to be going over this stuff but that is the only thing that has ever happened here, and we have more security now, we are perfectly safe. After Matts big talk I wanted to say a few words to the kids and even the staff, I could tell they were all a bit overwhelmed and anxious. I gestured for the mic and Matt handed it to me. "hey kids, um. don't worry this won't take long then we will get into our day. I just want to let you all know that we are 100% safe and you do not need to worry. in the 10 years that I have been doing this camp... this is the first and only incident we have had. we have upped the security and have new restrictions in. your safety is my first priority and I can assure you we are all safe." I handed the mic back to Matt and watched and everyones shoulders started to fall down and everyone started to relax a bit "thank you Demi, your in good hands guys. so we do have to stay together today and inside guys but!- we are still going to have an amazing time. there's going to be a bunch of activities, games, movies and snacks, then after lunch your all going to go back to your lobby for some free time in your rooms or in your lobby till dinner. Then after dinner we are going to have a fort contest!!" the kids went crazy, they were definitely excited which made me happy, I think they had forgotten all about what Matt was talking about before "ok guys one more thing! the winner will receive a very special prize which I won't be telling you what it is until tonight.. ok go have fun!" Matt shouted "good job" I sighed to Matt "thanks Demi.. so how are you feeling?" he asked folding he's arms. I rubbed my neck and answered "yeah I mean its happened and we are all safe.. but I cant help but wonder what might've happened if I didn't-" matt raised he's hand to stop me from what I was about to say "dont think like that Demi, your ok" he gave me a warm smile and walked off to supervise the games. I smiled as he walked away, he is very sweet. I followed after him and took charge over an activity.

it was about 11:30am and we still had an hour till lunch and until we could go back in our lobbies, I was hair braiding with the little girls and they were definitely having a lot of fun, I was braiding a little girls hair she was 8 her name was Polly and she had long black hair, "thank you Demi!" she said touching her braids "me next, me next!" another little girl with shorter blonde hair yelled holding out a bunch of hair bands, "there's plenty of time I can braid everyones hair, who wants to braid mine?" I laughed "I do!" polly shouted raising her hand, I had very short but thick hair. "what else have you guys been doing today?" I asked "Zeke let us play on the keyboard for a bit" a girl with light brown hair smiled "nice!" I replied focusing more on braiding this girls hair "Zeke, is he your camp leader?" I asked "yes, he is so nice" Polly said "really?" I smiled playfully "yeah he sewed a button back on my jumper, see?" the little girl with blonde hair whose name I found out to be Emily said pointing out where the button had fallen off "wow, he did a good job" I smiled.

I'd had enough of hair braiding so I let Chelsea take over and I went to go get myself a glass of water, I was walking to the kitchen and I was very happy to see everyone having a good time no one seemed anxious or upset. I poured myself a glass of water and was looking through the glass, and I didnt like what I was seeing, Hayley... holding Noahs hand! I don't know why it made me so angry but I could feel myself tease up and I gripped the cup so firmly I thought it might break. I slammed the glass down on the table and started making my way over to Hayley and Noah. if this boy thinks he's gonna hurt Hayleys heart or use her or get her into he's disgusting habits, he's got me to deal with. it wasn't a secret that Noah and I didn't get along.

Hayleys POV

my eyes met with Noahs at the other side of the room, I excused myself from my friends and I walked over to him. "hey" he smiled. "hi" i smiled back trying not to lose my breath. we chatted for a while, he was talking to me about he's dad and he's work and other stuff I just cant bring myself to remember, because I wasn't even listening to him properly, ok, I know that seems rude but if you were me, you'd be doing the same. he's beautiful soft dusty brown wavy hair and he's emerald green eyes and award winning smile had me in a trance, and I think he knew that. "hayley?.... hayley?" Noah hummed "huh what?"I spat. "I said what do your parents do?" he laughed. ", they are business owners.. yeah!. they go away a lot I don't get to see them much." I lied, I don't know why I lied. I guess I just didn't feel superior to Noah. "yeah I get that, that can be tough having your parents away so much for long periods of time, my dad missed my 4th birthday but that was only the first of many" he explained. I didnt respond, I didnt know how to, I just looked down. Noah reached he's hand out and he grabbed mine, I blushed and looked away. Noah put he's other hand under my chin and brought me to look at him. I opened my mouth to say something when We were interrupted by Demi. Is this women serious? "Can I help you?" Noah said sarcastically. I giggled. I saw Demi eye me down and I quickly wiped the smile off my face "yeah I actually needed your help, Noah" she said "can I do it later?" He asked "no, you can't" demi replied "I think he can help you later" I quickly chimed in smiling sarcastically. She ignored me. Can't she take the hint? "Can't someone else do it?" Noah pleaded "Noah, now please" she asked firmly folding her arms. Noah sighed softly and followed Demi into another room. I wonder what that is about?

"Hey! Saw you talking to Noah"  I turned around to see a girl standing behind where me and Noah were. "Um. Do I know you?" I asked rudely.  "You will if we have a problem" she snarled  "well, we don't, so have a nice day" i smiled about to walk off when she jumped in front of me so fast I thought she teleported. "Listen here. Noah is my boyfriend, and the only reason he is talking to you is because he feels sorry for you after what happened to your bitch ass yesterday. So don't get used to it" she growled and then walked off with out even letting me reply. What? Noah has a girlfriend? Of course! I'm so stupid. Why would a guy like Noah be interested in me?! I felt so ashamed and heart broken. I ran out of the main lobby and into our group lobby where I was alone, I plopped down one the couch and cried. I was so stupid for thinking for 1 minute Noah was interested in me.
I collected myself and walked into our little kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife, I took it into the bathroom with me, it'd be really easy. Just one deep cut and it could all be over.. I went into the bathroom and I put my arm over the sink I ran the knife gently over my arm then pushed harder into my skin.  I turned the tap on and let it run over my open cuts. It stung but watching the blood seep out of my skin and watching the water wash it away relaxed me.

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