Chapter 30: A Kiss From Kris

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I would like to dedicate this to @Moonwalker2020. You're are amazing! And Thank you for reading! Lots of love to you :))).


So here I am now at Lovely's Gathering Hall for Karen's 20th Birthday (Kris sister)
I'm come here by myself , Michael can't come. He got a lot of work to do.

So where's Kris? It's so hard to find him with all of this people all wearing mask.
I immediately get my phone from my clutch bag and texted Kris.

To Kris :
Hey ! Where r u? I'm already here.

After a few seconds he texted back ..

From Kris:
So glad you made it here. I'm here at a room helping them fix the damage on my sister's gown. There'd been a little accident earlier. Hehe :-)
Btw. Where are you so I can come to you? And btw, what's tufted color of your dress so I can easily find you?

To Kris :
Ohh that's bad.. I don't exactly know where I am but I'm here near the food corner beside the stairs. I'm wearing a black dress with a silver clutch bag.

I'm waiting for his reply but there is none.
Then I suddenly felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I turn around and there I see Kris wearing a brown coat and tie. He looks ..... hot ! Oh no ! What is this I'm thinking ?

"Hey!" He said waving his hand in front of my face.

" Oh hey !" I answered

"You look great Samantha"

"Thanks for that. And by the way , you look great too" I smiled at him.

" well, thanks ! So where's Michael" he asked .

"He can't come , he is so busy lately but he wants to give this little present to your sister and say happy birthday." I handed him a little box.

"So what happened to your sister's gown? Did it got fixed?"

"It got a little damage on the lower part cause accidentaly someone stepped on it. But its okay now."

"That's good to hear"

I don't really know what else to say so I decided to just shut up and text Michael.

To Michael:
Hey baby! How are you? I just want to say I'm here at Karen's birthday party.What are you doing there?

After 2 minutes .. I check my phone to see if there's any message but Michael did not reply. Maybe he's just too busy that he forgot to check his phone.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now