2 | DARE

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"So what's the dare ?"

"Ok here so it goes" Celine started

"Just go straight to the point okay? Just say whatever dare you got there" I blurt out. I'm already getting impatient so don't get mad at me.

"The dare is you should make 'The King Of Pop' no other than Michael Fucking Jackson to be your friend." Tay saying it like it's just a piece of cake.

"WHAT ! It's impossible. You say it like it easy and all. How can I get to be friends with him ?" Are they nuts? They must be out of their minds to think of this dare.

"We don't know, It's your dare so you should be the one thinking about what you will do. " Celine has a point but still are they crazy?

"Are you both out of your minds? How can I ever be close to him? Remember, he is the King Of Pop and not just random guy at the street that I can flirt with."

"It's for you to find out how you'll be close to him. " Celine said

"Okay so what if i don't agree and don't do the dare ?"

"If you don't agree to do the dare, have your money prepared and buy the both of us MJ's concert ticket, it should be VIP tickets. And if you do the dare but failed, you still have to buy us tickets for the next concert. " Celine said and Taylor at her side nodding for agreement

"What did I ever do to you for you to torture me like this? You're giving me a hard time you know. " I said with a tone of desperation and beggingness.

"It's because we love you. Right Celine? Plus don't worry you definitely did nothing wrong with us but with our loving Michael, you betrayed him, you murdered him in your sleep, you make fun of his dance moves, you put his name in vain. " Taylor said while turning around and being a complete drama queen with fire in her eyes.

"We already given you two options. Do the dare or buy us MJ's VIP concert tickets. " Ending the topic with these Celine's last words.

"Oh God ! Ok i'm doing the dare just because I don't have money to buy the both of you VIP tickets"

"YES!!!!! " they both screamed and by that I think my eardrums just burst out.

"So when is the deadline?"

"Probably next month" As to what Taylor wants which is agreed by Celine.

"Ok ok fine , I'll do it . And by the way when will be the concert of michael jackson?"

"It's going to be next week " Taylor informed me.


As the class ended . I jump off my seat and rushed to the parking lot to get my car then I drove to my house quickly .

Just when I reached home, I started to talk and argue with myself.

Oh my God! What are they thinking ? Why should the dare be like this ?

Do they think I'm a popstar who can easily get with another popstar ?

Well , I'm just a simple person . How can I do that ? How can I get to that Michael Jackson if he has a lot of bodygards with him ?

Do they think he's just a random guy I can just flirt with in the street or even just another invisible person in the school?

Oh CRAP!! I'm so screwed. I'm so so so fucking freacking screwed.


Ok Samantha I believe you can do this .I will show them that I can do this ! There is no turning back.


Phone Conversation with Taylor

"The concert's gonna be tomorrow .. aren't you excited ??"

"Oh crap ! How will I be excited ? I'm still thinking aboout the dare. "

"Oh well , goodluck with your dare "

"I have no choice anyway"




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~weirdolala <3

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now