Editing sucks!

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I will be editing this to correct some of my grammar. I'm not really good at english so it will be hard for me to edit this hahahaha I'm so sorry for that (If you want to be the editor of this story just tell me , I might give you the opportunity). By the way I haven't made a title for all of the chapter so if you have any in your mind that fits any of the chapter in here that doesn't have a title yet just tell it to me okay :))  . And to those who are asking if they can be in the story , I'm sorry because as you can see the story has ended *evil laugh* *coughs* . Well anyway if you are still interested, I can always put you in my other upcoming MJ FanFic ... So Stay tuned !!! Hasta La Vista ! 

PS: Follow me on instagram : @wierdolala
okay that's all. (btw, I know it must be spelled as weirdolala but that's already taken hehe)

Another PS: To those who will give a title for a certain chapter and to those who are willing to help me edit this story, don't worry I"ll give you credits :) That's all !! Thank you for the support ! 

We will meet each other again in the next chapter of our lives :)

Au Revoir


It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now