Chapter twenty six part 2

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Hey readers! I know its been a long time. I think its been a month since I last updated and I'm really sorry for that. Please don't be mad at me. So here is the part two of chapter twenty six. Here we go!!!


"Hey mom!"

I greeted my mom.

I realize that she is not alone she is with someone.

"Oh Hi Samantha!"

The man said

"Hi Kris!"

I said to the man .. Remember Kris? The friend of Ashley whom I met at a restobar.

"You two know each other?"

My mom asked confused.

"Yes mom . And its a long story"

I said emphasizing the word long

I hear Kris chuckling

"So wanna come inside?"

I said

"Uhm.. Okay"

my mom said

"What are you guys up to?"

I asked

"Nothing . I just want to introduce Kris to you but since you two already know each other I don't know what else do I need to do."

My mom said answering my question.

"By the way mom. How do you know each other?"

"He is the son of Mrs. Bautista. Remember her ? The one I told you long ago. My bestfriend since highschool.

"Oh yes I remember Mrs. Bautista. What a small world."

"Yeah I agree"

Kris said

"So how are you Kris? Its been a long time."

"I don't how to start or how to say it but one thing is for sure. After a long time I'm still handsome"

he said.

Oh still got that atittude

"Oh really? Can I see? I don't see the sign of you being handsome"

I said while raising one of my eyebrows at him.

I heard my mom laughing

"(laughing) You two are like kids. And by the way Kris, does someone know you're handsome or are you the only one who knows that?"

My mom said.

Oh my mom is so cool. That's my motherrrrr!!!!

I just can't stop laughing.

"You sure you don't want or need anything?"

I asked


After that talk with my mom and Kris . Michael and I just decided to walk for a little while.

"So how's the rehearsala going on?" I asked him

"It's soooo tiring but its good the staff is doing great."

"Nice to hear that"

We talked about of things .. unimportant things. you know just random things


"So if I got there first then can I get a kiss ?" He said.

Well I know you'd be confused on what is going on so here it goes..

"Hey!" Michael shouted

He keeps shouting but I always ignore him

"Hey!" He shouted again

"What?!" I asked and finally turned to him

"What did I do ?" He asked

I just look at him and said nothing

"Oh look at my girl. Are you jealous? Oh you are jealous. I know it! Haha my girl is jealous" he said

"I'm not jealous!"

"Oh now my girl is angry"
He said still laughing at me

"I'm not angry. Go talk to that girl over there who's flirting at you!"

"See you're jealous! Hehe come give me a hug. There's nothing to be jealous"

"Go hug yourself"

Michael hug me tightly. I mean so tightly like I can't breath.

"Hey I said go hug yourself!"
I tried pushing him but he won't let go

"Okay if you don't wanna hug. Can you please give me a kiss? Please . please ."

Oh that man I can't resist. Ugh !

"How about a deal?"
I offer

"What deal?"
He said full of determination

"Okay here it goes. The first one who gets there to that tall tree will do what he/she wants. If I got there first I won't kiss you. If you get there first I will give you what you want."

-end of flashback-

"So if I got there first then can I get a kiss ?" He said.

"Maybe if you got there first"

"Okay.. Deal!"

"Okay here we go. On three. One. Two. Three!"

Then I run as fast as I can.

And the winner is !
*drum roll please*

So who do you think got to there tall tree first?
Let me know your opinion in the comment box below


Love you guys!
As you can see the first chapters of this story is short.
Just so you know. This story is not really planned . I just tried writing but when I se you guys voting and commenting , I got an inspiration to make this story beautiful (I hope it is beautiful)
So as what I promised . This is it !
And wait for another Chappy! I update again later or maybe after Christmas Buh bye!.
Btw. You can kik me @wierdolala
You can give me your suggestions there. And tell me what do you think about this book?

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