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There's a lot coming tomy mind that I don't even notice Michael enter my room.

"You okay ?" he asked


"Ok I just come to say that dinner is ready. I'm waiting for you downstairs." he said

"Ok , I'll be there soon" I said

He smile at me and then he walks out of the room ..

Oh My !! he's really serious with this relationship



"Hey Michael ! what's this big surprise ? where are we going?" I ask him

"Just wait"

I open my eyes for a glimpse on this surprise but he's looking at me ..

"Hey that's cheatong! Just close your eyes"he said

"Ok ok"

We walk into somewhere I cannot see because I kept my eyes close

"Ok ready? Now you can open your eyes" he said

What the ?!!! As I open my eyes I saw flowers all over the room .

And there's a table at center

There's a music playing softly

And there's a big screen showing all o our pictures together

"Hope you like it!" he let out a big smile and hug me

I didn't know what to say ..

I'm shock that he would prepare something like this for me

"Hey ? Do you like it. Happy 1st monthsary babe! I love you" he kiss me on my cheeks

"Yes I like it. And happy 1st monthsary. I love you too" I kiss  him back on his cheeks

Oh am I really saying this for real ? Maybe I should talk to him that I really don't like . That Im doing this bcause of a dare

Im such a freak for doin this.

But tonight I'm would like to stay on his arms for the last time..

Im planning to break up with him tomorrow ..

My phone rings !!

Oh no, this is not the right time for this call. ugh

I pick up my phone

I  stand up and answer it

>>Phone convo with Celine<<

"Hey girl !"

"What's that Celine?"

"I just want to see how the dare's doin' on"

"Oh shut up"

"Why? I will just let you remember that the dare is making Michael fall for you"


I hung up the phone without saying bye to her. Then I slowly turn around and see Michael standing behind me.

Oh Michael !

Wait waiit wait.. He's standing behind me the whole time ?

God ! I'm in a big trouble

"So you just made this stuff with me because o that stupid dare?" Michael said

"Oh uhm , I-I d-d-d-don't"

Maybe this is the time for him to know ..

I should tell him right now

"Uhm, I'm sorry Michael I didn't mean to hurt you. Now that you know I have no reason for staying in this house anymore" I said with my tears rolling down my eyes

"I thought you're the one for me. The one I would spend my life with. The one who will be there for me "when I had a problem- the one -"

I didn't let him finish .. I run to my room and locked the door.

I don't have a reason of staying here anymore

I pack my things so that I can go home to my house tomorrow

But why does does it hurt for me?

Do I love him already?

OH no !! no im Not in love him .. NO NO NO !!

This can't be happening ..


Its 5am i'll be living this place soon

I get a piece o paper from my notebook and write a letter to Michael

"Hi Michae! uhm? Sorry about yesterday I know you're not forgiving me by what i've done with you. But I think I'm falling in love with you for real. This is not a joke, I'm serious. I'm sorry or all i've done. I know I hurt your feelings so bad. I will go home now to my house so you can't see me anymore. Goodbye hope you understand

P.S :

Im really falling for youbut I know that I'm not the right girl for you . Im really sorry. I love you . Tke care and Godbless. Bye"

I walk out the room quietly so no one will know that I'm leaving



I walk to Samnatha's room to let her explain why she do that to me

But it's too late walk around the room and I saw a paper near her desk

I read the letter she left silently

She loves me why won't she expplain to me so that I know.

I stood up and walk to my car without changing my pajamas

I walk in my car and start driving to the nearest airport

But as soon as I got there it's too late the flight to London just -

ughhh !! what am I gonna do ??

Maybe I'll just move one .

Maybe she's right , she's not the right girl for me


Comment and vote ..!!

i'll update sooner

haha sorry it's too short. i'm too lazy to write stories

Don't forget to vote and comment .

luv yah guys! take care

mwahhh (kisses for you) haha LOL

Thanks for reading this far

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