author's note and a little I don't know hehe

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So hey !! I'm back!! Iknow your all mad at me . cause its been I think 3 months already and I haven't updated yet. well just so you know ghuys . My laptop is broken. And my Phone is broken so I;m just borrowing computer from my father. And that is the reason why I cannot update. But maybe I'll try updating tomorrow. And I'm really really sorry for not updating, for being a slow updater . Hope you understand. So uhm..... I'll just clue for my next chapter

So here it goes !!        

After my mother visited me .. 

I decided to go to the park just 5 minutes away from my house because my mother said there is a little program there.

But as I walk nearer the park.

All I can see is darkness.

No program is going on. No people walk around and all the lights in hte park is out.

I just walk nearer so I can get a closer look to the park.

Then suddenly I saw a big banner with my name written on it. When I say big I really mean big than normal ..

I look closely to it to see what's written on it.

"When my eyes are still close

All I see is you

In night when my dreams went on

All I dream is you

When my joy fills my day

All I think is you

When I look at you

All I see is love.........





Will you marry me?

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now