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There's someone pushing the door bell .

And Samantha is running to open up the door ..

I think it's Samantha's friends

When the door opened thay just start hugging each other

I'm so glad she's happy ..

I walk to them ..

When Samantha saw me , she introduces , her friends to me

"Hey MIchael !" Samantha shouted

"These are my friends Celine and Taylor"

She points to themso I can know who they are ..

Celine is a black girl with brown curly hair and brown eyes.

And Taylor is a white girl with a straight red hair and a blue eyes.

I just lay my hand for a shake hands that they both do ..

"Im Michael Jackson, Samantha's friend" I introduce myself to them

I just leave them so they can talk with privacy..



"Hey Sam !! We missed you so much" Celine said and hug me again

"We got another dare for you" Taylor said

"A dare again ? So what's that ?"

I asked I can't say no ,, I just love challenges in life. So I go for it..

They both look around to seeif we're alone .. Then they look at me again

"Make Michael Jackson fall for you" they said in unison

OH GOD !! How can I do it ??

"Oh no.." I said to them

"Don't say no .. You just said yes before .. We know you can do it" Taylor said ..

"Did you guys go here to visit me of just to give me that dare?"

"Of course we came here to visit you"
"Ok Ok .. I'm doin' the dare"




I think they're having fun upstairs ..

I can't control my eelings anymore .. Maybe I should go talk to her tomorrow .



Okay im up .. Should I go talk to her now .. Myaybe later

I come to go to the dining room to grab some breakfast .

I Samantha sweeping the floor .. She's really beautiful with here brown hair flowing as she sweeps .

"Hey Samantha ! How was your day yesterday?" i asked her

"It's really we I had fun with my friends .. Talk about some girl things " she said putting on with a big smile

"Can I ask you something?" I just want to back out this time.. NO there's no backing out , im going to tell her what I really feel for her .

"What's that Michael ?" she asked. She looks curious.

I love the way she says my name .. It's like music to my ears ..

"Uhm ?? I just want to ask .. I-if you can be my g-g-girl f-riend ? ?"

I can see by the look of her face that she is shocked .. Maybe I shouldn't tell now , Maybe this is the not the right time to tell it to her.

I just turn around to go back to my room when suddenly I hear a soft voice says yesss..

I turn around to face her again

"What?" I asked

"I said yes I can be your girlfriend! "

I run to her and hug her and kiss her on her forehead.

"And please quit being my maid your my girlriend now"

"ok" She smiles and hug me back

Oh God !! Im melting now , I really like this feeling..



I just got to my room and take off my maid dress and put on my jeans and clothes. Michael asked me to a date and I said yes..

Im I doing the right thing .. I don't love him.

I'm just doing this for the dare .

Im just laying in my bed when Michael opens my door and walk in the room.

"Are you ready for our date" he said

"Oh yess.. Im ready" I got up and walk out of the door..

He opens his car's door or me to go in. It's just so nice of him doin' that thing

"Are you ok?" he asked me

"Y-yes I am" I replied

"So where are we going ??" I added

"In a restaurant that I know" he smile

He grab my hands and just hold it

His car stops and I look to the window and saw a restaurant named 'Star cafe and restaurant'

He opens the door for me and put his arms on my waist as we walk in the cafe

He ordered a lot of foods and just smiling to me ..

There's a beautiful song playing and he stand up .

"Can I have this dance?" he ask

"Sure , why not ?"

I got up and take his hands and start dancing

he just stare at me the whole time .

"What?" i asked

"What?" he replied still smiling

"Why are you staring at me like that ?" I said

"Your just beautiful like the stars in the sky  " he said and amiling again

"ok" i just replied

Then he pull me closer to him , touch my cheek and kiss me gently on my lips ..

I should not do this to him .. this is bad .

As we go drive home I quickly opens my phone and call my friends Taylor and Celine for the big news .

Thay are both shock by the news.

I'm happy that I finished the dare .. But im mad at myself cause of what I did . It will just hurt Michaels feelings so bad. I don't want that to happen . But I don't like. I like him bt I don't love him

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now