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When I heard the man talking to him that they will be needing another maid in the Neverland , I think this is the time i'll make my move to the dare .. This is the biggest oppurtunity I get ..

But , am I really doing this ?? I'm gonna be applying as a maid ??
well, I have no choice , i take the dare so i have to do it ..

After the show .. I finally got home .. I'm alone again

My father has died a year ago and my mother is working abroad to make a living , i just live here in the house with my older sister , but im alone now because she got an invitation from her friend for a sleepover ..

I suddenly remember the conversation i heard from michael jackson with that man ..

I guess im going to go to the hotel he stays in , to try applying as a maid ..

now all I need to do have a snack and have a sleep .


When i woke up , i quickly look at my cellphone and there's a lot of messages i missed ..
i got a total of 15 texts ..

I just took a shower and make my self ready to apply being a maid .. So I just go down the dining room and start preparing my breakfast .

As soon as I finished eating , I grab my things and my keys so I can go now.

I didn't say may idea to my friends ,, haha I don't know what they're gonna say about this .. haha !!

I didn't realize that I am already at the hotel .

I just got out my car and start walking inside the hotel.

When I got to the 5th floor of the hotel I saw a guard standing infront of a door of one of the rooms .

So walked to him and asked where Michael Jackson's room is .

"Hello , do you know where Mr. Jackson's room is ?" I asked calmly

"Who are you ? Why are you looking for his room?" he asked suspiciously

Oh this guard freaks me out .

"Oh I'm Samantha Ashton I just want to apply as a maid" I quickly respond to his question

"Okay , let me take you to him" he said

"Thank you" I said

Then we walk inside room 801 and then we see Michael Jackson in the living room and just vocalizing ..

"Goodmorning Mr. Jackson I have a girl with me who wants to apply as one of your maid " the guard said to Michael as we walk in the living room.

"Oh I remember you" Michael stand and face to me

"Ah yeah , I go to your concert yesterday . I'm glad you still remember me . Oh I just want to apply as your maid" I said to him

"Okay take I seat and I will ask you some question" he said
Then the guard leave us now and I walk closer to him to have a seat and be ready for the questions


"Mr. Jackson sorry to disturb you , by the way this is my resume ." I handed him my resume and he began to read it and he suddenly look up at me. I got more nervous this time , my hands are shaky .

"So you're only eighteen ?" he asked to me

"Yes " I respond to him

"So why do you want to apply as a maid?" he look at me again

"There's no available job and I really need money for living." I said nervously

"Okay , if you like I will just give you some money so it won't be hard for you and plus your only eighteen years old." He said

"No sir, even though I really need money at this time but I won't accept the money your offering , I would like my money to be earned by myself. I mean I want my money to be the cause of my hard work." I said.

What I said is a little true. The truth part is that I want my money to be cause of my hard work. And the lie is that I really don't need money. My mother's earning a lot of money that can provide us a living.

"Very well. Where are your parents?" he asked

"My father past away a year ago and my mother is working abroad. I want to apply as a maid because I want to help my mother in our finance problem. I can say that my mother is earning a lot of money, but I don't want to depend on the money she's earning. There will be a time that my mother can no longer go to work, so now as her child I wanted to be independent."
I said continuously without stopping.

"Oh you're a very good child. Uhm maybe you can start working tomorrow" he said smiling
"Thank you very much Mr. Jackson for trusting and promise you will never regret that you make me one of your maid." I said happily but my hands are still shaky.

"You can now go home and be ready for your new job tomorrow. And by the way you're gonna be working in Neverland in California. Don't problem the money involve for the passport I will be the one paying for your trip. And by the way again just leave your number and your address so I can pick you up at your house tomorrow." He said

Oh he looks so friendly this time and by the way did I tell you that his so cute with his curly hair and his brown skin color.

"Thank you again sir you're such a very nice person. Ok then I need to get going to get ready for tomorrow. See you then" I said to him. This time I said this with more confidence.

"Okay see you then. Keep safe. Take care and God bless." He said waving his hand to me.
I slowly close the door and start walking outside the hotel.

Why did I ever hated him? Am I crazy because I hated him with no good reason? He really is a nice person. Maybe he got pity on me that's why he accepted me that fast. Usually pop stars like him hired a maid from an agency for safety and protection from the crazy fans, but this time I just walked to his hotel room and applied and I got the job! Maybe this is my lucky day.

This is just what comes into my mind as soon as I got inside my car. I drive safely to my house and I think I will just leave this year's classes. Mom already knew this , I had told her yesterday as soon as I got home from the concert and she agreed to me.

As I got home i quickly pack my things to be ready tomorrow. Then after that I walk to my dining room and start eating my favorite food which is pizza and an ice cold tea. As I was about to finish my food I look at my wall clock and I didn't realize that it is already 12:46 am. Si I quickly finish my food and clean the table and I run to the bathroom and took the shower. After it I just lay in my bed and sleep.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now