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"What are you doing?"

Hanna ask

"We we'r-----"

I was about to explain to Hanna what is happening but Samantha cuts me off.

" Oh he just return my bracelet. Hanna right ?"

"Ohh yes I'm Hanna"

"You are lucky to have him as your fiance or should I say as your future husband. So goodluck on your wedding I wish you both the best. Uhmm I think I need to go So see you soon guys .. Bye"

"Thank you Samantha .. That's so nice of you.. Okay bye bye see you soon"

Hanna wave at Samantha and Sam wave back..

I think Sam is just hiding what she really feels. I don't know how or what but I just feel it.


I wave back at Hanna.

I think Hanna is a nice girl and I think she will be a good wife to Michael.

But you know that feeling? The feeling of smiling to pretend it's okay. Smiling to keep the pain inside. Smiling to pretend everything is fine. Smiling to make them see that I'm happy. And Smiling but inside I'm dying.

I just away from them. And I went to the parking lot and get inside of my car.

I'm happy to see Michael getting married .... but with other girl? Of course not. Who would like to see theor loved ones marry other person instead of you?

Now I'm just sitting inside my car looking at nowhere. All that comes in my mind is Michael.

And I wish that you won't forget me. The girl who said I love you goodbye. How can I live my life happily if the person I love the most will be taken away from me.

And I promise myself that I will not love anyone but Michael. No one can replace him here in my heart

Suddenly a tear roll down my cheek.

Just the thought of him away from me makes me sad

Ashley said there are other boys that I can love. But in my mind I just wish it was just Michael again.

I am now alone. And I can feel the cold air.

I didn't realize that I am now crying so hard.

It's also getting late so I decided to drive home.

Why? Why is this happening to me? Why can't love with love without having a problem. Without people who will disagree. Without getting hurt? You know what I mean right? No one wants to be hurt right?

After 15 minutes I am now here at Ashley's house where I'm staying.

Ashley is not home. Maybe she is with her boyfriend. I just run to my bedroom and look out the window. I don't want to eat right now.

It's raining outside. During cold days or rainy season it's nice to stay at home with someone you love and cuddle each other.

I lay in my bed but I don't feel like sleeping. I walk downstairs and watch tv. And after that I just decide to walk out even though it's raining outside. I don't like to drive I want to walk even though it's late and raining. I don't care if get wet.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now