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Samantha is now walking down the stage . She is done singing. I think she will go home now .

I run towards her. I just want to ask her who is she talking about earlier.

I grab her wrist.

"What?" she ask with a low tone. I can see the sadness in her eyes.

"Who are you talking about ? To whom did you dedicate the song?" I ask her straight forwardly. I really want to know.

"You don't know? Why would you want to know?"

"I'm just curious"

"Don't you remember you said you will not care about me anymore? You said you will give me what I wanted. So why will you even bother asking me who I was talking about?"

"Please let's be friends"



"Ashley .. what should I do ?"

"Accept the friendship. Be friends with him."

"But --"

"I know it's hard. But that's the only way you can be close to him. And if he really loves you he won't continue his wedding."

"Okay I try to be friends with him"

"Just remember I'm always here as your friend."


My phone buzz from my pocket. I almost jump off the sofa. I look at it. It was a text from Michael

Michael: Can we talk?

Me: ??

Michael: I need to tell you something.

Me: Okay. I need to tell you something too

Michael: Ohh. I'll pick you up. Let's talk somewhere outside.

Me: Okay

Michael: I'll be there in 15 minutes.

I just wait him here in the front door step.


I think his already here. I can see his car parked on the other side.

Yes I'm right he's here already. And he's sooooooo ..... hot right now.

he's simply wearing a white v-neck plain t-shirt and a black pants ..

He is walking now to my direction.

Everything seems to be in a slow motion.. Oh my God he's getting nearer. I don't know what to do.

I need to find my self control now. Because as you know I'm really crazy in love with this man. If I don't find my self control now, I would run to him and hug him so tight and kiss him like there's no tomorrow. But that's not going to happen.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now