Thank you 😊

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What the!?  64k reads?  Oh my God!  That's a lot 😱.  Wow really,  Thanks for reading this!  I never even thought it would reach 10k reads but now it has 64k reads.  Wahhh!  Moonwalkers are the best,  Am I right?  Haha well anyway a big thanks to you guys and gals.  As a thank you for you moonwalkers I'll do a sequel to this.  Do you want a sequel?  If I publish a story sequelto this will you read it and show support?

If I do it who wants to be a part of the story?  Who wants to be a character in the sequel?  And do you have any suggestions for the sequel?
Let me know who wants to be a character. Let me know your opinion.

~wierdolala <3

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now