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After what happened earlier , I want to assure that things are going right. So I just borrowed Sam from my mom.

We are now laying under my favorite tree here in Neverland.

"Hey! Mike look at that . It's so beautiful. Stars are so bright."

She said while pointing at the stars.

I'm happy that she's happy. I just can't take my eyes off of her. She is just as beautiful as the stars in the sky. I know I'm getting a little bit cheesy. But who can blame me? I just love the girl here beside. No not beside me. Correction . The girl here in my heart. I just can't let her go. Just the picture of me without her makes me sad, angry , mad. I know that we are meant for each other because of all the tragic that happened to us. First is when I figured out that she's only dating because of a stupid dare. Second is when she has an accident and forgot everything. Third is when my family push her away from me. And now it's Hanna having her revenge. Despite of it all we are still together. Maybe it's just me and her against the world. Sounds cheesy right. This is so not me. She makes me this way. This way , a beautiful way.


She looks at me confused.


I just manage to say to her

"Why are you staring at me?"

She asked. I just smile. I know it's kinda creepy ,you know talking and talking then the person you're talking to is just staring at you. haha

" I don't need to look at the stars in the sky. Cause the brightest star is here laying beside me."

I said. My heart literally jumps when a huge smile appears on her lips. Damn! that lips! I want to kiss her but I don't want to be so forward. I just this day to be perfect. I have love a lot of girls before. I can say that I've been serious for every relationships but someyhings just don't work out. But to Samantha, I would wahatever just to protect her and make her happy.

She suddenly interlock her hand with mine . This is just so.... wonderful. I don't want this night to end. I want us to be like this forever until we grow old. I always dream of growing old with the person I love. And I think this person is Samantha.


She called again.


I said softly

"Where do you want to go?"

She asked

"I don't know. Anywhere you want"

I said

"Well, uhmm.. I want to go to Paris to see the Eiffel Tower. They say that it is a country of lovers. I want to go there with you Michael."

She said.. That just makes me even more happier. I'm glad that I'm the one she wants to be in the country of lovers

"So when do you want to go there?"

"Uhm.. I want to go there next year but this exact date July 21. We will go there right?"

She asked .. I can see that she's waiting for my answer .

"Of course we will"

I assured her .



I raise my right hand as saying a pledge. I gave her my words. July 21 next year. I will keep that in mind.

She smiled.

"Can you sing for me Michael"

She asked me and look straight into my eyes. Oh no she's hypnotizing me! haha

"Why do you want me to sing?"

I asked I just want to hear her reason. I know she has She wouldn't just ask that if she has no reason.

"Because I always hear you sing but I don't hear you sing for me."

She pouted her lips. Ugh! can this girl be any cuter?

"Okay... Do what song do you like?"

"A song that will reminds you of me"

And then I start singing

"You suddenly appear It was cloudy before now its all clear. And I am a better man since you taught me by sharing your love ...........You're my daytime my night time my world you are my life"
(You are my life by MJ)

"Am I the only girl you dedicated that song?"

She sit up straight. Put her hands on her waist and look at me while raising her right brow.

I sit up straight and put my hands on her shoulder

"Yes you are the only one. And there will be no other. Many girls my be a part of my life But you will always be the one here inside my heart."

I said .. Then she hugged me.

Awwww .. What a perfect night.


End of the chapter.

It's our Exams but I like to update this chapter for you readers!

You give me inspiration to continue this story. I don't want have a special dedications because This chapter is dedicated for all of you.! I repeat.. FOR ALL OF YOU!

I love you guys

Mwahhhhh! kisses for you all

Don't forget to comment and vote. And please promote this story.


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or just type Kimberly Anne Bautista

And kindly follow me on instagram : @khimberlyanne.14

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And hear some of the songs I cover on soundcloud : khim_bautista14

Kik me Let's be friends : july14kim

"In my darkest hour
In my deepest despair
Will you still care?
Will you be there?" -MJ


It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now