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"Mom! I love Samantha! I want her. She's the one I wanna marry. Not Hanna"

I'm now talking to my mom. I wanna tell her everything. Like, how I really love Samantha.

"But Michael! She's not good for you. Hanna is beautiful and a nice girl. Why don't you want her?"

She is saying that with a calm voice.

"Yes Hanna is beautiful and nice. And I like her. But, don't you understand mom I like Hanna but I'm inlove with Samantha. You know I love everyone who loves me. But when it comes in this situation. I want to be married with one that I really love and the one I want to be my wife."

Literally, I'm almost out of breath. Is that hard to understand ? Tell me . Please tell me if its hard. Ugh!!


"If I don't get Samantha back then I'm not going to perform next week"

"Okay okay. You win. I'll get Samantha back. And you will perform next week on your concert. Is that okay?"

"Yes mom"

That's the end of our conversation.

I hugged her tight and say thank you for listening and understanding. That's what I love about my mom. She's always nice ,kind and understanding. Unlike my father.

I let go from the hug and look straight to my mom .

"But mom! How can I make sure you're gonna take her back?"

I raise my one eyebrow and wrap or placed my arms on my chest.

"I'm going to invite Samantha here at our place to have dinner with us"

My mom's answer to my question.


I asked suspiciously

"Why? If you don't like them I'm going to take it back"

"No no mom! Don't take it back. I like it"

"Okay. Are we clear here ? Cause I'm going home and be back here at Neverland later"

"Okay Mom."

I walk mom to the door.


I shouted as I close the door.

I can't believe it. After all the problems that I had . I finally got Samantha back. We will be together and forever. Maybe you're gonna think I act like a gay. Hey stop thinking that I act like a gay ! I'm a real man. I just ... I'm just so happy Samantha and I will be back together.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now