Chapter 35 - Stay Awake

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Chapter 35 - Stay Awake

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful @RedBird13 ! I hope you like this one :)) .. Thanks for the support ! LovelotsxD!


Michael's Pov:

I decided to take Samantha out for dinner. We went to some fancy not so expensive restuarant. This is one of her favorite places to eat. I'm sure she remembers this place. We've been here times before the accident happen.

"So what do you want to order?"

The waiter hand us the menu and she quickly look at it to look for something good.

"Well uhm.. I want this *points at something on the menu* . no no no, I think this one is more delicious."

I gave the waiter our orders. And I excuse myself to go to the cr. I'm not really going to pee. I'm just going to take a shit. Haha ! Just kidding. I just feel the urge to go to the cr.

"I'm just going to the cr. Will you be okay by yourself?" I asked Samantha just to make sure she's going to be okay.

"Yeah sure" she gives me an assuring smile.

I just went to the cr to wash my hands. I check my phone and I just my the wrong decision. You know why? 'Cause I just saw another text from Hannah.

From Hannah:
I know where you are baby. Why won't you talk to me?

What the Hell?! This girl is crazy. Why won't she stop ruining my life. I'm happily married to Samantha. Why can't she accept that. She's a really miserable bitch.

I went back to our seat and just put my phone back not bothering to text back. As I was walking back our table , somebody stopped me and drag me somewhere.

"Hey stop! What are you doing?"

I stop and pull away from her grip. She just drag me not so far from the table.

"What now Hannah?" I ask with complete anger.

"Oh what now? Did you forget about me already? Why can't you love me? I've always love you. Why can't you love me back?" She said .. And now she's starting to cry.

"That's all you got to say? Hannah.. Look , I didn't mean to hurt you. But why can't you accept that Samantha is the one I love and I'm already married to her."

She just look down to the ground while crying.

"If you don't anything else to say, I'm gonna go back to Samantha."

I just left her there I don't want to cause any trouble. And I don't want Samantha to see me and Hannah talking. Yeah she probably forget her cause she just met her a long time after the accident.

I went back to our table and I saw that our food is already there but Samantha is not eating yet.

"Hey I'm sorry if it took me so long. Why haven't you started to eat your food already?"

I said while taking my seat across her.

"I am waiting for you. I don't wanna start eating without you."

"Okay... Now I'm back here we should start eating already cause it's getting late."

I could say that this is a best date I've had. Well of course Samantha is here. She probably forget that we are married , but I will always do my best to tell her and make her understand that I'm already her husband. Funny right? For her, It's like waking up everyday with a stranger in the house. The difference is that I'm not a stranger to her. But she don't know that she's already married to me.

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