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What did she just said ?

"Where am I ? What happened to me ? and Who are you ? Why are you staring at me like that ? Do I know you ?"

"Where am I ? What happened to me ? and Who are you ? Why are you staring at me like that ? Do I know you ?"

"Where am I ? What happened to me ? and Who are you ? Why are you staring at me like that ? Do I know you ?"

Those words she said a little bit earlier just echoed in my head ..

What the Fuck ! the first time I see her she just told me about that stupid dare and now she's gonna wake up , she don't know everything.

"Hey !" I turn around and see Samantha pointing at me

"Yes you ! The man with the shades! Come here" I walked to her and listen to whta she was asking

"Why are you here?" I was just about to answer her question but she starts screaming

"Ouch !! it hurt's, it's hurting , my head is hurting !!!" She just puts her hands on her head and scream

I don't know how it hurts , because I'm not the one who's having it. But I know pretty much that it's hurting her so bad.

I quickly call for a doctor or nurse.

I'm glad the doctor just arrive so quickly ..

"Hey doc. her head is hurting"

I think they inject her something that makes her fall asleep

"She just need rest. Don't wake her up." the doctor said to us and walks away

Oh thank God she's alright !

But she doesn't remember me anymore ..

Maybe I should just go back to Neerland

No, I will stay here . She needs me her now that she's hurt so bad.

I will be here for her

After 2 days

The doctor say that we can get her home , so that she can familiarize her own home

and have a little conversation with her mother

"Uhm Michael I'll be just going to my office would you take care or her and bring her to her room? Is that okay to you? " her mom aked to me

"Oh sure , anything :)" I smiled to her

As soon as she walks out the door house and I walk slowly to Samantha

"Hey ! your the guy in the hospital with the shades on" she said

Her smile just make me feel nervous

"Ah yeah" I reply

"So what's your name ? I'm Samantha my mom told me that's my name " she said

"I'm Michael Jackson!" I said to her

"Oh , I think I heard of that name before. Wait lemme thinnk ? uhm?? ahh I hear it a little bit earlier at the hospital . Some nurses are talking about you , they say you are a popstar . And your handsome , good looking and a kind hearted man."

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now