Chapter 33 - My Dilemma

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Chapter 33 -My Dilemma

This chapter is dedicated to the amazing @MJisforever ! Because she's the third one who answers.. Yiipppeee! Hope you like this chappy! Take care!


Time flies really fast when you're enjoying it. 1 month already passed. And Michael and I decided to get married sooner. We will get married just next week. Sadly , I haven't said my condition to Michael yet. I want to tell it to him because of course he is my fiance and soon my husband. But... I can't find the right time. By the way, how do you know if its the right time? And plus I don't know how to tell him. Everytime I tried to tell him it just doesn't happen.

"Did you take your medicines? How are you feeling now?" Brooklyn said while walking slowly on my side of bed.

"I'm feeling good right now. And yes , I took my medicine."

We only talk about my health when Michael is not around. For a long time, Brooklyn and I became really good friends. We sometimes went to shopping together. She's really nice.

I fix myself and went downstairs. I want to ask Michael if he can come with me to the bookstore. I want to buy some books that I can read. Michael said he can. So after eating. We drove off to the mall.

"What do you think about this book?" Michael suggests handing me the book 'The Tea Rose' by Jennifer Donnelly.

I snatch it from Michael's hand and look at the description. It looks nice. It says that , It is about a spirited, ambitious daughter that longs to break free from the squallid alleys of Whitechapel. But her dreams fall apart with the sudden death of her father and the disappearance of her childhood love.

Ohhhh. This sounds good. I will buy this.

I look around to look for more books but I suddenly saw something ... I mean someone I really don't like to see.

Is it? Oh no it can't be. This is bad. I hope she don't see that Michael is with me. I didn't realize that I was actually staring at her. She suddenly looks up and locked eyes with mine. Then a grin forms her lips.

I didn't realize that Michael is talking.

"Are you saying something?"

I asked

"I'm just asking if you already find some books?"

"Uhm yeah. Uh... Come on let's check this out."

I said in a hurry. I pull Michael beside me. And it seems like I'm running.

"Hey. Why are you so much in a hurry?" Michael asked while we are running to our car.

"Nothing , I just have a headache. I just wanted to go home and take some rest."

There's a little truth in here . I really have a headache. But the full truth is, it's because of her. I thought that she already went to another country. So how that she's here.

Michael didn't bother asking much. But I can see the confusion in his face. It seems like he wants to ask something but did not bother and just keeps his mouth shut.

We safely drove home. And that's, I will tell him my condition tomorriw. I will really say it.

@feliciaxann as Brooklyn

That's it for now. So short right? This is just some filler chapters. And by the, this will soon end. Just two more chapters then the epilogue.

And who do you think Samantha saw? It seem like she doesn't like it.
And there's going to be a wedding soon!! Watch out for that!!!
Would she tell Michael her condition?
And I will bring back some characters! Whoopee ! Haha :))

Comment what you think ?
Vote is highly appreciated!
Vote if you like this one!! Hihi

Okay ..

Dedication Time!!!!
Guess the lyrics

She said I'm all yours tonight
And then I ran to the phone
Saying baby I'm alright
I said but unlock the door
'Cause I forgot the key
She said he's not coming back
Because he's sleeping with me

Comment if you know.
The first with the right answer gets the dedication!

Okay.. That's all folks! See you again. Buh-bye!!! :D

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