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I feel like I’m in heaven

I run back to her and hug her so tight and kiss her gently on her cheeks

She hugs me back

I’m just like the happiest in the whole wide world

My heart is doing all kind of flips

It’s like I’m in a deep sleep having the most wonderful dream and I don’t wanna wake up.

You know what I mean, don’t you ?

She slowly breaks from the hug and kiss me quickly on my lips

“Oh come on , let’s go.” She said to me while walking with me through the door out of her room

We are already standing at the door and her mom walks in front of us

“So Michael  do you really need to go now ?” her mom ask me

“I would love to stay but I really need to go and do some concerts. But I promise that I’ll be back as soon as I finished all the concerts and the things I need to do.” I said to her and I look at Samantha and she’s smiling at me

This the part that I hate the most
I hate to go but I need to

Suddenly I feel my phone vibrates , I get my phone out of my pocket

I got a text from Bill

Bill is my bodyguard for a long time

Let read the text:

Hey Mike ! It’s me Bill , I’m here waiting outside Samantha’s house
I hope I’m not interrupting you in what you are doing right now
I just want to say that we really need to go
I’m waiting here outside

I close my phone and put it back in my pocket

“I’m gonna miss you sweetie” Oh Samantha’s mom is so sweet
There I know where Samantha got her sweet and nice side

“I’m going to miss miss you too . BOTH of you” her mom hugs me
I’m on the verge of my tears but I’m trying not to cry here in front of them

“Okay. Be safe and thank you for taking care of my daughter. You’re such a nice person Michael.”

“So do you ma’am”

“Okay mom. Michael needs to go. There’s no time left for that drama thing. Okay , chip chop.”

As soon as I got out of the house

I feel tears running down my cheeks

“I’m gonna miss you Samantha” I hug her again

“I’m gonna miss you too Michael” she wipes my tear and smiles at me

“Maybe what my mother said to me is really right. Love is really strong. Even though you have an amnesia you still love the person you loved before having an amnesia. Because it’s the mind that forgets and not the heart. Maybe the mind has forgotten everything but the heart still feels the same. That’s why I’m still loving you.”

I grab her face and kiss her softly and passionately

“Okay goodbye. Be safe” She said with her tears rolling down from her eyes

“Bye. I will miss you” I slowly walks to the limo.

Bill opens the door for me

I open the window of the limo and wave at her

“Bye bye . Be safe I will miss you so much Michael” she shouted while waving back at me

“Bye ! I’ll see you soon”

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now