Chapter twenty six part 1

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hey guys this jusy the first part for the next chapter..

(Please play the song SMILE BY UNCLE KRACKER while reading this thank you :) )

That night with him is just so great!

I wish I could just be with him. Be together till the day we die. I don't want to use the word FOREVER because for me, nothing last forever and I believe that FOREVER is just used in fantasies.

Everything that night is wonderful. The way he held my hand. The way he let my head fall on his shoulder. The way he assure me that everything is fine. The way he smile makes my lips turn into a curve. The way he touch my face. The feeling of his warm hands. And the way he kisses me. The way I felt the warmth od his lips on mine. And the way he looks sincerely into my eyes while we kiss. Everything is so good with him.

I suddenly smile out of nowhere. Just the thought of him really really makes me smile.

I just wish that that night would not end but it's impossible. Goodnight is one sorrowful way to end the night and be apart but it is still the sweetest goodbye because there will be tomorroq where we can spend the day happily again.

"See who's smiling like an idiot" I got interrupted with my beautiful thoughts when Ashley come in my bedroom and lay beside me.

I am now sitting in my bed while looking at the bracelet he gave when we had our first anniversary. I never thought we'd end up this long. After all the tragedies that happened to us.

"Ouch ! Hey stop it !" Ashley just throw a huge pillow at me that's why I loss my balance and fell to the ground from my bed. She keeps throwing pillows at me.

"Hey! I said stop it!"

"Okay I'm gonna stop just telle what happened with your little 'date' last night" she said while emphasizing the word date.

"It's not a date!" I said

"Yes it is" she said while grinning widely.

"No it's not!" I said sounding serious pretending that I'm angry

"Oh come on. Tell me do you have fun?"

I am just ignoring her.

"Did you two kiss?"

I am still ignoring her

"Oh no! Did you two......?"

"What?! I said I am curious about what she's thinking

"Oh my God!"

"What?!" I asked again. Her mind is a little dirty sometimes so I have to be careful. Maybe if I said something she misunderstood it to anything else

"You did that, didn't you?"

She asked while eyeing at me

"Did what?!" she's getting a little creepy now.

"You know ... the S thing"

she said

"Hey shut up! we didn't do it"

I said when she said the s thing I know that she is reffering to that sex thing. I told you her mind is a little dirty.

"Owww? really?"

"Yes really ! we didn't do that"

"Okay if you said so"


"Look who's ringing the doorbell. Maybe it's Romeo looking for his Juliet"

she said while grinning. This girl is so crazy.

"Shut up." I said while chuckling. I can't help it .

I quickly run down to open the door.

But much to my dissapointment its my mom. Not that I don't want to see her I was just expecting that it is Michael.

"Hey mom"


hehe too short right? sorry for the very very long wait. im a really busy person. please don't kill me lol.

thank you for your patience. Please still support this story even though I'm not a fast upadater.

And I made a group for this story on facebook just search : It All Started With A Dare (MJ fan fic) .. please join ! I want to be close to my readers. that's all thanks a lot!

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#Forever !

~khimmy <3

PS: It All Started With A Dare (MJ fan fic) <<<<<<< Please join! :)

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