CHAPTER Twenty seven

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And the first one is




No one. Not MJ. Not Samantha.

But who?

I am ! I am the first one who got there

Yes , you're right about what you hear! I am, the author of this book, got there first. Why? Because I am the author ,I got to decided what will happen next.

Well of course I got first . They will do the things I want. And you know what I want? Is for them to have fun. You know fun fun ..

"Hey what are you doing?"

Samantha asked me.

"Yeah what are you doing here?"

Michael asked me

"You're asking me what I'm doing here ? You know I am you're fairy Godmother."

I said

"Huh does that really exist?"

Samantha asked

"Well not really. I am an author"

I said

"Then why are you here ?"

Michael asked

"I just stop by to say that , whatever is happening in the both of you , you should be careful. Somebody will always be a wall blocking your way."

I said

"Huh ? What are talking about?"

Michael said

"You will find it by yourselves"

I said

"I don't understand"

Samantha said

"You will ,someday"

I said.


"It's really wierd what happened earlier"

Michael said

"So wierd!"

Samantha agreed

"So. Are we okay now?"

Michael asked

"I think so"

"Can I have a kiss now?"

Before Samantha can say anything , Michael grab her and kiss her gently!


It feels like a perfect night !

We are on a bench then suddenly firework displays start dancing in the sky showing their different glittery colors.

Then suddenly slow love song starts to play.

And the lights around the park suddenly open.

And ... This is just a joke ! Haha

The kiss actually happened on the park , no fireworks , no lights .

But it is still a perfect night.

You know what makes it special?

Because it happenes with the one I love.

I feel like I don't want to hold back. I don't to stop this kiss. It's just so perfect. But you know. Nothing last forever. We can just longer the kiss.

And this is what happened next.

We got tired walking and walking so we decided to go home . To Michael's house.

"Are you tired?"

Michael asked

"Yeah a little"

I said

"Do you want to continue what we're doing in the park?"

"What? The walking part?"

"No the kissing part"

"I'm so tired Michael"

"Please just a little"

I just turn my back on him. I don't think this is the right time to do this thing

But Michael won't give up.

He started kissing me on my cheeks .. Then on my lips.. Then slowly getting down on my neck.

"Okay Michael . That's enough."

I know he hear me but he won't stop.

Then he slowly go down on my chest.

I don't know but I'm starting to like it.

But I'm really tired.

Then suddenly ....


My phone starts to ring..

"Who's that?"

Michael ask

"I don't know"

I said

I can see the sadness in Michael's face. He really wants to do this thing.

But who could it be ?

Who could be calling me this late?


So who do you think is the caller?

I'll give you a clue .. His/her name starts with the middle of the ocean. Followed by the first of victory and ends with the letter you start with.

Okay just comment below if you know the answer and if you have any guest.

Well just wanna share to you that it's already 3:24 am and I still cannot sleep.

Don't forget to kik me @wierdolala..

Have a nice day .. Buh bye


It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now