Chapter 34 - The World Is Ugly

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Chapter 34 - The World Is Ugly

This chapter goes to @Therealmrsjackson7 !! You're awesome for reading this story! Happy reading!


"Michael?" I started. He turn around and look at me in the eye.


"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah what is it babe?"

Okay ... Here we go

I'm gonna tell him my condition and there's no backing out.

"I uhm .. This is about my uhmm. Health condition. I wanna tell this to you before we get married." I said not breaking eye contact with him. "Come on , just tell it" he said completely confused.

"Well I have this condition and it's not good. Do you notice that I always have a headache?" He nod his head to say that he do. "It's not just a simple headache. Remember the time that I had an accident and I forgot everything? I'm so in luck that my memory came back." He nods at evrything I say to let me know that I got his attention. And then that's it. I told him everything and every single detail.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I don't know. I think I'm scared? I don't know."

He close the space between us and and kiss me on the lips. He hug me. I just rest my head on his chest while we're sitting on the couch. He wrap his arms around me and I wrap my arms around his waist. I feel completely safe when I'm with him.

"Don't worry. I will do everything to make you remember. Even if you forget every day after you sleep, I will always love you."

"And by the way Michael. I saw Hannah yesterday when we went to the bookstore"

3 days later..

Woke up by the sound of the alarm clock. Ugh I hate this. I don't wanna wake up yet.

A girl suddenly walks in. She looks nice. Oh my God! Am I kidnapped? Where am I?

"Samantha, did you take your medicines? How are you feeling?"

"Uhm? I ahhh.. Do I know you?"

She told me that she's Brooklyn and she is my personal nurse.

She hand me a little notebook and a photograph album then she started telling me what happened every photograph.

"And You and Michael will get married 2 days from now."

She added.

What ? I thought Michael and I are not together. Remember? I went back to my mother's home just after Michael knew that I was just dating him because of the dare. Oh no ! This is why I didn't recognize the bed. This is Michael's bed.

"I'm getting married? How?"

I asked confused

She told me everything that happened after the accident. I started crying. How can forget Michael if he's the I'm gonna be married to.

"How long have I been like this? You know forget what happened after the accident?" I asked I just wanna know.

"This just happened 2 days ago."


Michael's Pov:

I'm right here at the living room sitting on the coach while Brooklyn is telling her everything. This is really hard for me. It's been three days when she told me about her condition. I didn't know what to do of course. Our wedding is just 2 days more and she doesn't even remember it.

It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now