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"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid .... For a thousand years I love you for a thousand more...."
  I'm here at my room playing the Keyboard. I'm not really good at playing instrumenta but its kinda fun. Hehe

*knock knock knock*

"Who is it?"


It shouted back

It sounds familiar. His voice familiar. Who might be it?

Maybe its Michael. No. Michael is in his rehearsal he can't be here. Oh no! Maybe its some kind of a thief going to rob the house. No no. Maybe its. M-m-maybe its a rapist coming in to rape. It can't be !

"Samantha? You there?"
He asked

Oh my Gee !! It talks again! What should I do? Should I open the door?
Yes of course you should open the door. His voice sounds familiar , Maybe he's a friend. The little voice inside of my mind said. But what if he's kind of a robber or a rapist, anything like that? Maybe if I open the door He will attack me. I'm starting to freak out.

"Samantha. It's me Kris"

Oh .. It's Kris hehe so that's why the voice sounds familiar because its Kris. Kris. Okay Kris is there. Nothing to worry. No robber. No rapist. No bad person. No whatever. Just Kris.

"Oh uhm. Come on in"

I shouted

He walks in and sit on the edge of my bed.

"So what took you so long to let me come in?"

He asked

Should I tell I thought its spme king of a robber rapist? No no. He'll think I'm crazy Over acting on such little things

"I got something to do."

I just said

At first we just stared at each other then I started to talk.

"So why are you here?"

I asked


I think he's finding something. He checked his pants pockets. The left side of his coat and finally let out an envelope. A white envelope with a little violet designs in it.


He handed me the envelope

"So what's this?"

"Oh. Mhh yeah . My mother's inviting you to my sisters birthday party. Ot will be some kind of a masquerade party. You can bring Michael there if you want to."


He chacks his watch and stands up.

"I think I need to go. Hope to see you and Michael there in the party."

He said in a little shaky voice then he walks out of the room.

Why is he like that? He looks... Nervous.. It's just wierd.

Okay back to the invitation. I opened the envelope and read what inside it .

*inside the envelope*

Where: At the Lovely's Gathering Hall
When: February 9, 2015 (5pm)
What: 20th Birthday Celebration of Karen

*Note: Please wear casual dress for girls. Coat and tie for men. And don't forget your mask!
-Hope to see you there-


Should I go there with Michael ?


I just got out of Samantha's and I am now outside of her door
Why am I feeling like this? .. This is so .. Wierd. I hope to see her there at the party. I'm sure she'll be beautiful in a casual dress.

Oh cut it out . Stop thinking about her.


So short hehehe. So do you think Samantha should go to the party?

Comment your answers below.

And don't forget to vote!!

Happy reading ! Keep Michaeling !

Lovelots. Mwahhh!

       ~khimmy <3


It All Started with a Dare [Super Slow Editing !!]Where stories live. Discover now